379 results
National Injury Prevention Strategy
The National Injury Prevention Strategy 2020-2030 (the Strategy) aims to create a national focus on injuries and their prevention. The Strategy will take a broad approach to injury and aims to address both intentional and unintentional injuries across all ages and population groups. The Strategy is currently being developed and recognises that: Injuries are the leading cause of death of all people aged 1-44 years; Intentional and unintentional injuries are... MoreClosed 3 July 2020 -
Aged Care Worker Regulation Scheme Consultation
Over the last five years, various inquiries and reports have recommended implementation of a worker screening or registration scheme in aged care. Most recently, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has been exploring this issue, with a focus on a registration scheme specific to personal care workers (PCWs). Stakeholders have differing views about the problems that an aged care worker screening or registration scheme might address, the objectives of any such... MoreClosed 29 June 2020 -
Feedback on the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s initial advice
This online survey has been created to enable individuals and organisations to provide feedback on the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s initial advice provided to the Prime Minister in November 2019. MoreClosed 30 April 2020 -
National Medical Workforce Strategy
Australia can be proud of its medical workforce, which, through individual and collective action, plays a critical role in providing access to high-quality healthcare for almost 25 million Australians. Doctors provide services across diverse settings, which requires a breadth and depth of skills and understanding. There are a number of reasons why a National Medical Workforce Strategy is important, and important now. Firstly, there is a powerful link between the medical workforce and... MoreClosed 31 March 2020 -
OGTR Consultation - Forms - Licence & CCI
This consultation seeks to understand how you, as an applicant, prepare and submit applications for DIR or DNIR licences, and accompanying CCI applications. CCI questions are optionally included for those that identify as having submitted CCI in the past. All information that you provide will only be used internally at the OGTR. We anticipate that this survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. MoreClosed 16 March 2020 -
Australian Sports Wagering Scheme - Approach Paper
Following the Commonwealth Government’s response to the Wood Review, the Sport Integrity Taskforce within the Department of Health was charged with developing a regulatory response to safeguard the integrity of Australian sport; streamline the sports integrity aspects of sports wagering regulation at a national level; and inconjunction with stakeholders develop a regulatory framework sufficient to meet the serious, growing threats to sports integrity. In alignment with the... MoreClosed 12 March 2020 -
Review of the General Miscellaneous Category of the Prostheses List
The General Miscellaneous category of the Prostheses List includes general use items (e.g. closure and haemostatic devices) and items that do not readily sit in other categories (e.g. radio-isotopes and bowel incontinence devices). Many of the general use items are high volume and low unit-cost relative to more specialised implantable devices that appear in other categories. The Prostheses List has undergone a number of reviews and analysis of 2018-19 Prostheses List data demonstrated... MoreClosed 3 March 2020 -
Proposed changes to the recommended use of pneumococcal vaccines
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) is consulting with stakeholders on proposed changes to the pneumococcal vaccination recommendations for inclusion in the Australian Immunisation Handbook, with an intention to submit the recommendation to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for its approval under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. The draft recommendations and the rationale for the changes are... MoreClosed 1 March 2020 -
Natural Therapies Review 2019-20 - invitation to submit published scientific research evidence citations on clinical effectiveness of natural therapies in tranche 1
On 7 April 2019, the Minister for Health announced an updated review of natural therapies . The review is being led by the Australian Government Chief Medical Officer (CMO) supported by the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP) and utilising the expertise of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The announcement included that the CMO’s review would assess additional available evidence for natural therapies including undertaking public... MoreClosed 21 February 2020 -
Medical Research Future Fund: Mission for Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care
The impact of dementia, ageing and aged care in Australia is considerable and continues to grow as the older population of Australia grows. In December 2018, the Government announced the $185 million Dementia, Aged Care and Ageing Mission (Mission), a medical research package focused on dementia, ageing and aged care funded through the Medical Research Future Fund. The Mission will fund research to support older Australians to maintain their health and quality of life as... MoreClosed 17 February 2020 -
Cancer Australia Lung Cancer Screening enquiry
The Lung Cancer Screening enquiry Consultation Hub is now closed. Cancer Australia thanks all those who contributed to the enquiry through the public consultation. Further information will be posted here shortly. Cancer Australia is inviting the public to have their say about the Lung Cancer Screening enquiry through this dedicated Consultation Hub. On 1 August 2019, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP invited Cancer Australia to conduct an enquiry... MoreClosed 17 February 2020 -
Public Consultation- Food Regulation Policy Guideline
Introduction In August 2019 the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation (Forum) agreed to a program of activities under Priority two of the food regulation system to contribute towards reducing chronic disease related to obesity. One of these activities was to develop a Policy Guideline on food labelling to support consumers to make informed healthy choices (Policy Guideline). The Policy Guideline will provide strategic guidance to Food Standards... MoreClosed 2 February 2020 -
Additional service fees in residential aged care
Additional service fees (ASF) are increasingly being utilised by residential aged care providers as a way to enhance their service offering and diversify revenue streams. By agreement with the resident, an aged care provider can charge an additional fee for care and services over and above those that they are required to supply under aged care legislation (Quality of Care Principles 2014 Schedule 1 – Care and services for residential care services). Typical examples of... MoreClosed 17 December 2019 -
National Obesity Strategy
Have your say on a national obesity strategy. Overweight and obesity is an issue affecting our whole community. Take action and join in the consultations on a national obesity strategy. You can be a part of creating a healthier future. A range of social, environmental and economic factors contribute to obesity and impact a person’s ability to maintain a healthy weight . If the current trend continues, more than 18 million Australians (two-thirds of our projected population)... MoreClosed 15 December 2019 -
Implementing Recommendations of the Third Review of the Gene Technology Scheme: Phase 1
Consultation on the recently released Issues Paper – Implementing Recommendations of the Third Review of the Gene Technology Scheme: Phase 1 Consultation (the Issues Paper), is now open. To obtain a copy of the Issues Paper, please refer to the hyperlinks below. Recognising the importance of ongoing consultation to inform implementation of the recommendations arising from the Third Review of the National Gene Technology Scheme (the Review), an Issues Paper to inform three key priority... MoreClosed 4 December 2019 -
Head to Health Survey
We're always looking for ways to improve people's experience on Head to Health. Your feedback will help us make Head to Health better! Note: all feedback is anonymous, therefore we are unable to respond. MoreClosed 18 November 2019 -
Open consultation for the National Dust Disease Taskforce
Background On 26 July 2019 the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer announced the establishment of a National Dust Disease Taskforce to develop advice on a national approach to the prevention, early identification, control and management of dust diseases in Australia. The Terms of Reference, provided below under Related Documents, set out the approach for the Taskforce and the scope of their review. These actions are in response to the emerging trend of new cases of the... MoreClosed 15 November 2019 -
National Dust Disease Taskforce consultation registration
Background On 26 July 2019 the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer announced the establishment of a National Dust Disease Taskforce to develop advice on a national approach to the prevention, early identification, control and management of dust diseases in Australia. The Terms of Reference, provided below under Related Documents, set out the approach for the Taskforce and the scope of their review. These actions are in response to the emerging trend of new cases of the... MoreClosed 11 November 2019 -
Medical Research Future Fund: Stem Cell Therapies Mission Roadmap
As part of the 2019-20 budget the Government announced a commitment of $150 million, over 10 years, for a comprehensive research effort focussing on stem cells. The funding, awarded under the Government’s landmark Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), will support Australian researchers to make game-changing discoveries, develop a global biotech industry and enable the implementation of changes in healthcare. MoreClosed 8 November 2019 -
How Accreditation Practices Impact Building a Specialist Medical Workforce
The Department of Health is undertaking a project which will examine how the current specialist medical college accreditation systems and practices impact rural and regional training opportunities for non-GP specialist medical trainees. This will include looking at the links between accreditation and the rural specialist medical workforce in relation to distribution and alignment with community needs for services. The project will provide the Department with a range of... MoreClosed 5 November 2019 -
715 health check materials
This informal targeted consultation is in relation to posters and brochures your organisation would have received from 33 Creative for the promotion of 715 health checks. The Department of Health has commenced Phase 2 of the 715 communications project and would love to hear your feedback on how useful the current materials are, and any suggestions you may have for potential additional materials that may assist your organisation in increasing the uptake of 715 health checks for... MoreClosed 25 October 2019 -
Serious Incident Response Scheme for Commonwealth funded residential aged care - Finer details of operation
Australians have a right to live free from abuse and neglect as a matter of human rights, current law and a reasonable community expectation. Older Australians also have specific rights and expectations when receiving Commonwealth funded aged care services. Following the KPMG report , Strengthening Protections for older Australians, Development of models and options for a Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) for Commonwealth funded aged care service providers in early 2019, the... MoreClosed 11 October 2019 -
Health Legislation Amendment (Data-matching) Bill 2019
While the vast majority of Medicare providers do the right thing, the Department of Health (the Department) has a responsibility to protect the integrity of the Medicare health payments system through prevention, identification and treatment of fraudulent and incorrect claiming. In order to better detect fraud and incorrect claiming the Department proposes improved data matching and sharing arrangements through changes to legislation. This consultation guide is published to... MoreClosed 11 October 2019 -
National Dust Disease Taskforce - register your interest for further consultation opportunities
Background On 26 July 2019 the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer announced the establishment of a National Dust Disease Taskforce to develop advice on a national approach to the prevention, early identification, control and management of dust diseases in Australia. The Terms of Reference, provided below under Related Documents, set out the approach for the Taskforce and the scope of their review. These actions are in response to the emerging trend of new cases of the... MoreClosed 30 September 2019 -
Access to Products Under the Stoma Appliance Scheme
The Department of Health is seeking feedback from ostomates and other stakeholders on access to products under the Stoma Appliance Scheme. MoreClosed 20 September 2019 -
Residential aged care: Proposed alternative models for allocating places
As part of the 2018-19 Budget More Choices for a Longer Life package, in principle support was provided to move from the current approach of allocating residential aged care places, to providers through the Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR), to alternative arrangements that support greater consumer choice. Prior to progressing to an alternative model, a detailed analysis of the potential impacts of such an arrangement on all stakeholders is to be completed. The Centre for... MoreClosed 13 September 2019 -
Public Consultation on Diabetes Products Subsidised under the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)
The Department of Health is seeking your feedback in relation to the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS). The NDSS provides subsidised syringes and needles, blood glucose test strips, urine test strips, insulin pump consumables and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) products to people with diabetes. To ensure the NDSS continues to meet the needs of people registered with the scheme, the Department is seeking input from Australians with diabetes and other members... MoreClosed 25 August 2019 -
Medical Research Future Fund: Mission for Cardiovascular Health Roadmap
In 2017 alone, more than 100,000 Australians experienced a heart attack or stroke and cardiovascular disease was the underlying cause of 43,500 deaths in Australia. As part of the 2019-20 budget the Government announced a commitment of $220 million, over 10 years, for a comprehensive research effort focussing on heart disease and stroke. The funding, awarded under the Government’s landmark Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), will support Australian... MoreClosed 23 August 2019 -
Natural Therapies Review 2019-20 Membership and Terms of Reference
On 7 April 2019, the Minister for Health announced an updated review of natural therapies . The review will be led by the Australian Government Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Professor Brendan Murphy, and be supported by the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel (NTREAP). MoreClosed 7 August 2019 -
Review of the Practice Incentives Program Indigenous Health Incentive (PIP IHI)
The Department of Health (the Department) is undertaking a review of the Practice Incentives Program Indigenous Health Incentive (PIP IHI). This review aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the PIP IHI to support general practices to provide culturally appropriate health care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease. The public consultation process was finalised in July 2019 and included 26 written submissions from peak bodies and other... MoreClosed 15 July 2019
379 results.
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