368 results
Second phase open consultation for the National Dust Disease Taskforce
Background In January 2020, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, released the Interim Advice from the National Dust Disease Taskforce. A copy of the Interim Advice and Minister’s media release can be found under Related Documents. Why we are consulting The intent of this second phase of consultation is to obtain feedback on the Interim Advice, with a particular focus on further investigating the initial findings and progressing the early... MoreClosed 11 November 2020 -
Proposed amendment to the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015
Changes to the Australian Immunisation Register legislation We're seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 (AIR Act). The proposed amendment to the AIR Act is to make it mandatory for all recognised vaccination providers to submit vaccines to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). The proposed legislative changes will not make having a vaccine mandatory, rather it will be mandatory for... MoreClosed 15 November 2020 -
Proposed changes to the recommended use of the rabies vaccine
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) is consulting with stakeholders on proposed changes to rabies vaccination recommendations for inclusion in the Australian Immunisation Handbook, with an intention to submit the recommendation to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for its approval under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. The draft recommendations and the rationale for the changes are outlined in the... MoreClosed 18 November 2020 -
National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap
Cancer Australia has invited the public to have their say on the National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap through this dedicated Consultation Hub. The National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap Consultation Hub is now closed. Cancer Australia thanks all those who contributed to the Roadmap through the public consultation. Please visit the Cancer Australia website for further updates on the progress of the Roadmap. On 23 March 2020, the Minister for Health, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP... MoreClosed 30 November 2020 -
National Suicide Prevention Taskforce – Interim Advice Public Consultation
The Australian Government is working towards zero suicides and appointed Ms Christine Morgan as the first National Suicide Prevention Adviser reporting directly to the Prime Minister. The National Suicide Prevention Adviser has provided the Prime Minister with the Interim Advice (the Advice) to inform a whole of government approach to suicide prevention. There are three parts that together make up the Advice: a lived experience informed report called ‘Compassion... MoreClosed 3 December 2020 -
Hearing Services Program Review - Consultation Paper
On 14 August 2020, the Hon Mark Coulton, Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government, announced a review into the Hearing Services Program. An Independent Panel made up of Professor Mike Woods (Chair) and Dr Zena Burgess will conduct the Review, with the support of an Australian Government Department of Health Secretariat. The public consultation phase is a key part of the Review. The Hearing Services Program Review Consultation... MoreClosed 4 December 2020 -
Consistency of food regulatory approaches
In March 2020, the Australian New Zealand Forum on Food Regulation (the Forum) endorsed an implementation plan for an ambitious reform agenda for the food regulatory system aimed at ensuring the system remains strong, robust and agile into the future. The reform agenda is being progressed through a number of interconnected projects: While these projects are being progressed in parallel (with separate consultation processes focusing on different elements of the food regulatory... MoreClosed 18 December 2020 -
Review of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program - Have Your Say
We are seeking your views on the Australian Government’s National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (the Program). The Department of Health has commissioned an independent and comprehensive review of the Program. The Review will measure the extent to which the program is meeting its objectives and will inform further program improvements. To find out more about the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Review, refer to the Terms of Reference below, and the Review's Consultation... MoreClosed 8 January 2021 -
Community Visitors Scheme - Performance Reporting
Survey - CVS Performance Reporting MoreClosed 8 January 2021 -
Aspirations for the food regulatory system
Reform of the food regulatory system In March 2020, the Australian New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation (the Forum) endorsed an implementation plan for an ambitious reform agenda for the food regulatory system aimed at ensuring the system remains strong, robust and agile into the future. The reform agenda is being progressed through a number of interconnected projects. This consultation is part of the first stage of the Review of the Intergovernmental Food Regulation... MoreClosed 22 January 2021 -
Voluntary Indigenous Identifier Framework
Since 2002, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been able to have their status recorded confidentially on a database called the Voluntary Indigenous Identifier (VII). The VII is primarily used to estimate use of the Medicare Benefits Scheme by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This information, grouped together to produce statistical reports, appears in a range of publications and is used to: improve policies focused on access to health programs and... MoreClosed 31 January 2021 -
Consultation paper: Private health insurance reforms – second wave - December 2020
View the PHI Consultation Document (closed 8 February 2021) . On 6 October 2020, the Australian Government announced the second wave of reforms to private health insurance with the aim of improving the affordability, value, and attractiveness of private health insurance, particularly for younger Australians [Budget Paper No.2 - Budget Measure: Supporting Our Hospitals — simpler and more affordable private health cover for all Australians]. The announcement outlined the... MoreClosed 8 February 2021 -
Productivity Commission Report on Mental Health
The Australian Government welcomes the Productivity Commission (PC) Inquiry Report on Mental Health. It provides 21 recommendations with 103 associated actions spanning five key themes: prevention and early help for people; improve people’s experiences with mental healthcare; improve people’s experiences with services beyond the health system; equip workplaces to be mentally healthy; and instil incentives and... MoreClosed 10 February 2021 -
Consultation Paper: Options for Reforms and Improvements to the Prostheses List
The Department of Health invites submissions in relation to options for reforms and improvements to the Prostheses List. In 2017, the Australian Government entered into the Strategic Agreement with the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA). Through the MTAA Agreement, a number of Industry Working Groups were established to consider options for reforms to the Prostheses List. However, more information is needed to finalise the reform approach. The Department has developed... MoreClosed 15 February 2021 -
6 Month Check-in for New Service Providers
Contracted Service Providers (providers) are responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Australian Government Hearing Services Program (the program). The 6 Month Check-in survey has been developed to assist new providers with understanding if they are currently meeting program requirements. You are completing this survey because it has been 6 months since you became an accredited provider with the program. We thought it would be a good time to check in with you to... MoreOpened 9 March 2021 -
Mitochondrial Donation in Australia
The Australian Government Department of Health invites you to share your views on the proposed approach to making mitochondrial donation available in Australia. The Australian Government wants to introduce mitochondrial donation so this lifesaving technology is made available for families impacted by severe mitochondrial disease. MoreClosed 15 March 2021 -
National Gene Technology Scheme, Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS)
In July 2017 the Legislative and Governance Forum on Gene Technology (the Forum) formally commenced the Third Review (Third Review) of the National Gene Technology Scheme (the Scheme). The initial aim of the Review was to assess the operation of the Scheme with respect to its policy objectives. The Review also sought to identify areas where changes might assist to future-proof and modernise the Scheme, to help ensure efficiency and timeliness of the responses to emerging technologies.... MoreClosed 17 March 2021 -
Revised Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR)
The Department of Health is introducing a number of changes to the Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR) commencing with the submission of the 2020-21 ACFR. Major changes include: detailed residential segment income and expense statement at the facility level enhanced approved provider reporting consolidated parent level segment report permitted uses reconciliation. This paper sets out the changes that are intended to be introduced in 2020-21. Stakeholder... MoreClosed 17 March 2021 -
Standing Nurse Workforce Pilot Program Feedback
The purpose of this short survey is for you to provide feedback and experience on the Standing Nurse Workforce Pilot Program. MoreClosed 19 March 2021 -
Critical Technologies for Australia – Agriculture & Health Sectors
The Australian Government, through the Critical Technologies Policy Coordination Office (CTPCO), is undertaking consultation on the future of critical technologies in the Australian agriculture and health sectors. Critical technologies are current and emerging technologies with the capacity to significantly enhance or pose risk to Australia’s national interest, including our economic prosperity, social cohesion and national security. The CTPCO provide s coordinated,... MoreClosed 9 April 2021 -
Draft National Preventive Health Strategy
Preventive health is a key pillar of Australia’s Long Term National Health Plan with mental health. In June 2019, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP announced that the Australian Government would develop a 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy (the Strategy). In April 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minister agreed to delay the public consultation process and extend the timeframe of the Strategy until 2021. An Expert Steering... MoreClosed 19 April 2021 -
Medical Research Future Fund's Cardiovascular Health Mission - National Consultation on the Roadmap and Implementation Plan
The Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) Cardiovascular Health Mission (the Mission) was announced as part of the 2019-20 budget to provide $220 million for research to make transformative improvements in cardiovascular health and stroke for all Australians. An Expert Advisory Panel was appointed in April 2019 to provide advice to the Minister for Health on the strategic priorities for research investment through the Mission. As per the MRFF Mission Governance document, the... MoreClosed 23 April 2021 -
Medical Research Future Fund's Traumatic Brain Injury Mission - National Consultation on the Roadmap and Implementation Plan
The Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) Traumatic Brain Injury Mission (the Mission) was announced as part of the 2019-20 budget to provide $50 million for research to improve patient recovery after Brain injury. It will support projects that predict recovery outcomes, or identify the most effective care and treatments. An expert working group was established in December 2019 to provide advice to the Minister for Health on the strategic priorities for research investment through the... MoreClosed 23 April 2021 -
Medical Research Future Fund's Genomics Health Futures Mission - National Consultation on the Roadmap, Implementation Plan and Summary of Recommendations from the Scientific Strategy Committee Report
The Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) Genomics Health Futures Mission (the Mission) was announced as part of the 2018-19 budget to provide $500 million for research to deliver better testing, diagnosis and treatment. An Expert Advisory Committee was appointed in April 2019 to provide advice to the Minister for Health on the strategic priorities for research investment through the Mission. As per the MRFF Mission Governance document , the Expert Advisory Committee is to... MoreClosed 23 April 2021 -
Medical Research Future Fund's Stem Cell Therapies Mission - National Consultation on the Roadmap and Implementation Plan
The Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) Stem Cell Therapies Mission (the Mission) was announced as part of the 2019-20 budget to provide $150 million for research to develop innovative, safe and effective treatments accessible to all Australians who need them. An Expert Advisory Panel was appointed in April 2019 to provide advice to the Minister for Health on the strategic priorities for research investment through the Mission. As per the MRFF Mission Governance document ,... MoreClosed 23 April 2021 -
Medical Research Future Fund's Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission - National Consultation on the Roadmap and Implementation Plan
The Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission (the Mission) was announced in December 2018 to provide $185 million for research to support older people to maintain their health and quality of life as they age, live independently for longer and access quality care when they need it. An Expert Advisory Panel was appointed in May 2019 to provide advice to the Minister for Health on the strategic priorities for research investment through the Mission.... MoreClosed 23 April 2021 -
Public Consultation - Review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 - draft Regulatory Impact Statement
Introduction In November 2019 the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation endorsed an ambitious plan to reform the Bi-national Food Regulation System to ensure it remains strong, robust and agile into the future. A key element underpinning the reform agenda is the review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (FSANZ Act). The FSANZ Act Review commenced in July 2020, and is a... MoreClosed 18 May 2021 -
OSR and NKPI for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Data Framework
Health services funded under the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme (IAHP) collect and supply important Indigenous health data sets to the Department of Health as part of their funding agreements. These are the: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander National Key Performance Indicators (nKPI)—a set of indicators that are collected twice a year at the health service level and which aggregate information on the regular clients that a health service sees. ... MoreClosed 14 June 2021 -
Application for Accreditation as a Service Provider
Thank you for your interest in becoming accredited as a service provider for the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Please click the link below to begin your application. You may wish to download a PDF of the application form for your information before you proceed. Note that we will not accept applications that have been completed through the PDF form. All applications must be submitted through this online application form. MoreOpened 22 June 2021 -
Application to Register as an Appointed Supplier
Thank you for your interest in becoming registered as an Appointed Supplier for the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Please click the link below to begin your application. You may wish to download a PDF version of the application form before you proceed. Note that we will not accept applications that have been completed through the PDF form. All applications must be submitted through this online application form. MoreOpened 22 June 2021
368 results.
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