94 results
"Ngayubah Gadan" Coming Together - Cairns Summit Feedback
Thank you for attending the "Ngayubah Gadan" Coming Together Cairns Summit. Please provide your feedback on the summit through this survey. MoreClosed 31 July 2022 -
The Australian Cancer Plan 2023–2033
Please visit our new engagement hub for the latest updates on the Australian Cancer Plan. Cancer touches every Australian in some way. Across Australia, health professionals, charities and other organisations are working tirelessly to care for and support people affected by cancer. Researchers are seeking new ways of preventing, diagnosing, treating and living with the disease in all its forms. And governments, policy makers and industry groups are developing plans,... MoreClosed 4 March 2022 -
Proposal for a Cost Recovered Pathway for Medical Services Advisory Committee Applications
The Department of Health invites submissions in relation to a proposal to introduce a cost recovered pathway for applications received from commercial entities seeking reimbursement decisions from the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC). This proposal is to introduce a cost recovered pathway for the following application types received, from commercial entities: codependent technologies (medical services and health technologies that... MoreClosed 18 February 2022 -
General practice data and electronic clinical decision support - Issues Paper consultation
The Department of Health is undertaking a two-stage consultation process to inform thinking around primary health care data and the use of electronic clinical decision support systems in primary health care. The two topics have been combined into a single Issues Paper given the overlap in stakeholders and links between primary health care data and eCDS in the broader health care ecosystem. The combined process will enable stakeholders to consider and share their views regarding one or both... MoreClosed 18 February 2022 -
Aligning Regulation across Care and Support Sector - Consultation Stage 2
The Australian Government is seeking to align regulation across the aged care, disability support and veterans’ care sectors. The 2021-22 Budget included a range of measures that form a short to longer term program of reform. The Department of Health, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission), the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC), the Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) are working together to deliver on... MoreClosed 18 January 2022 -
Consultation Draft - National Initial Assessment and Referral for Mental Healthcare
National Initial Assessment and Referral for Mental Healthcare for children and adolescents Consultation Drafts - Survey As part of the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government announced $34.2 million to expand and implement the Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool into primary care settings to support General Practitioners, allied health professionals and referrers to determine a consistent and appropriate level of care for a person presenting for mental health assistance,... MoreClosed 14 December 2021 -
Consultation Draft - Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan
Future focused primary health care: Australia’s Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan 2022-2032 Consultation Draft - Survey The Consultation Draft of the Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan (the plan) draws on input from consultations with individuals and organisations across the country from late 2019 to mid-2021. The plan represents a high level response to the recommendations of the Primary Health Reform Steering Group (Steering Group) which has been... MoreClosed 9 November 2021 -
Draft National Obesity Prevention Strategy
Obesity is a complex condition affecting our whole community. A range of social, environmental, and economic factors contribute to obesity and impact a person’s ability to maintain a healthy weight. If the current trend continues, more than 18 million Australians (two-thirds of our projected population) will be overweight or obese by 2030. Addressing overweight and obesity in Australia requires a multi-faceted, community wide approach delivered through a range of initiatives, sectors, and... MoreClosed 3 November 2021 -
Draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Genomics Health Guiding Principles and Summary
The Department of Health is seeking input and feedback on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Genomics Health Guiding Principles (the Guiding Principles) and the associated Guiding Principles Summary Document. The Guiding Principles have been developed by the Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group (Advisory Group) on Health Genomics. The Advisory Group consists of predominantly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members with relevant expertise in genomics,... MoreClosed 27 October 2021 -
MRFF Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy and Priorities consultation
The Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy (Strategy) is determined by the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB). The current Strategy covers the period 2016-2021, with the next Strategy (2021-2026) to be registered before 8 November 2021. The Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015 (MRFF Act) requires AMRAB to undertake a consultation process before determining a Strategy. The Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities ... MoreClosed 11 October 2021 -
Potential new National Key Performance Indicators for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care (nKPIs)
The National Key Performance Indicators for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care (nKPIs) collects information from organisations that are funded under the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme to provide primary health care services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These organisations report in June and December each year on a set of 24 indicators, endorsed by the Australian Health Minister’s Advisory Council in 2011 and collected since 2012,... MoreClosed 29 July 2021 -
Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy (EFC) review
The Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy (EFC) Program provides funding for chemotherapy medicines used for the treatment of cancer that are administered through infusion or injection at public or private hospitals. Not all chemotherapy medicines are provided through the EFC Program, but may be subsidised through the broader Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). In the 2020-21 Budget, the Government announced a review of the current EFC Program. The review will look at the impact... MoreClosed 2 July 2021 -
Hearing Services Program Review - Draft Report
On 14 August 2020, the Hon Mark Coulton, Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government, announced a review into the Hearing Services Program. An Independent Expert Panel comprising Professor Mike Woods (Chair) and Dr Zena Burgess is conducting the Review. The Expert Panel is supported by a Secretariat from the Department of Health. Stakeholder and community consultation is a key part of the Review. The first consultation included inviting... MoreClosed 24 June 2021 -
OSR and NKPI for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Data Framework
Health services funded under the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme (IAHP) collect and supply important Indigenous health data sets to the Department of Health as part of their funding agreements. These are the: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander National Key Performance Indicators (nKPI)—a set of indicators that are collected twice a year at the health service level and which aggregate information on the regular clients that a health service sees. ... MoreClosed 14 June 2021 -
Draft National Preventive Health Strategy
Preventive health is a key pillar of Australia’s Long Term National Health Plan with mental health. In June 2019, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP announced that the Australian Government would develop a 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy (the Strategy). In April 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minister agreed to delay the public consultation process and extend the timeframe of the Strategy until 2021. An Expert Steering... MoreClosed 19 April 2021 -
Voluntary Indigenous Identifier Framework
Since 2002, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been able to have their status recorded confidentially on a database called the Voluntary Indigenous Identifier (VII). The VII is primarily used to estimate use of the Medicare Benefits Scheme by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This information, grouped together to produce statistical reports, appears in a range of publications and is used to: improve policies focused on access to health programs and... MoreClosed 31 January 2021 -
Aspirations for the food regulatory system
Reform of the food regulatory system In March 2020, the Australian New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation (the Forum) endorsed an implementation plan for an ambitious reform agenda for the food regulatory system aimed at ensuring the system remains strong, robust and agile into the future. The reform agenda is being progressed through a number of interconnected projects. This consultation is part of the first stage of the Review of the Intergovernmental Food Regulation... MoreClosed 22 January 2021 -
Hearing Services Program Review - Consultation Paper
On 14 August 2020, the Hon Mark Coulton, Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government, announced a review into the Hearing Services Program. An Independent Panel made up of Professor Mike Woods (Chair) and Dr Zena Burgess will conduct the Review, with the support of an Australian Government Department of Health Secretariat. The public consultation phase is a key part of the Review. The Hearing Services Program Review Consultation... MoreClosed 4 December 2020 -
National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap
Cancer Australia has invited the public to have their say on the National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap through this dedicated Consultation Hub. The National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap Consultation Hub is now closed. Cancer Australia thanks all those who contributed to the Roadmap through the public consultation. Please visit the Cancer Australia website for further updates on the progress of the Roadmap. On 23 March 2020, the Minister for Health, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP... MoreClosed 30 November 2020 -
Second phase open consultation for the National Dust Disease Taskforce
Background In January 2020, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, released the Interim Advice from the National Dust Disease Taskforce. A copy of the Interim Advice and Minister’s media release can be found under Related Documents. Why we are consulting The intent of this second phase of consultation is to obtain feedback on the Interim Advice, with a particular focus on further investigating the initial findings and progressing the early... MoreClosed 11 November 2020 -
Consultation on the National Youth Policy Framework
We know the importance of investing in Australia’s young people, and believe in their power to create positive change. For us to achieve meaningful change now and into the future, we must involve young people in the decisions that affect them. To inform the development of the National Youth Policy Framework, we have created a national survey for young people aged 18 and over. The survey gives young Australians a chance to tell us their views on what is important to them. It... MoreClosed 12 October 2020 -
Medical Research Future Fund consultation to inform the third Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2020-2022
Consistent with the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015 (the Act), the independent Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB) is conducting a consultation to develop the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2020-22 (the Priorities) . The 2020-22 Priorities must be tabled in the Australian Parliament by 6 November 2020 . The Priorities are considered by the Minister for Health before... MoreClosed 7 October 2020 -
Consultation Paper for the National Preventive Health Strategy
Informing the National Preventive Health Strategy Preventive health is a key pillar of Australia’s Long Term National Health Plan. As announced by the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP in June 2019 , the Australian Government is developing a 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy (the Strategy). Due to the emergence of COVID-19, the development of the Strategy was paused. The Strategy will now be developed by March 2021 . A Consultation Paper has been... MoreClosed 28 September 2020 -
Pregnancy Care Guidelines - Nutrition, Physical Activity and Weight
This consultation is seeking feedback as part of a review of selected topics under the Pregnancy Care Guidelines. The topics included in this consultation are: Nutrition and physical activity including: nutrition nutritional supplements physical activity Weight and body mass index including: weight assessment and monitoring Pregnancy Care Guidelines The Pregnancy Care Guidelines are designed to support... MoreClosed 17 July 2020 -
National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan - Public Consultation
This consultation draft of the National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan has emerged from the efforts of bereaved parents, advocacy groups, health professionals and researchers to have stillbirth recognised as a public health issue. Strong political interest and bipartisan support have also helped raise the profile of stillbirth and pave the way for this plan. Development of the Plan A National Stillbirth Project Reference Group, established under the Australian... MoreClosed 10 July 2020 -
National Injury Prevention Strategy
The National Injury Prevention Strategy 2020-2030 (the Strategy) aims to create a national focus on injuries and their prevention. The Strategy will take a broad approach to injury and aims to address both intentional and unintentional injuries across all ages and population groups. The Strategy is currently being developed and recognises that: Injuries are the leading cause of death of all people aged 1-44 years; Intentional and unintentional injuries are... MoreClosed 3 July 2020 -
Feedback on the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s initial advice
This online survey has been created to enable individuals and organisations to provide feedback on the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s initial advice provided to the Prime Minister in November 2019. MoreClosed 30 April 2020 -
National Medical Workforce Strategy
Australia can be proud of its medical workforce, which, through individual and collective action, plays a critical role in providing access to high-quality healthcare for almost 25 million Australians. Doctors provide services across diverse settings, which requires a breadth and depth of skills and understanding. There are a number of reasons why a National Medical Workforce Strategy is important, and important now. Firstly, there is a powerful link between the medical workforce and... MoreClosed 31 March 2020 -
Cancer Australia Lung Cancer Screening enquiry
The Lung Cancer Screening enquiry Consultation Hub is now closed. Cancer Australia thanks all those who contributed to the enquiry through the public consultation. Further information will be posted here shortly. Cancer Australia is inviting the public to have their say about the Lung Cancer Screening enquiry through this dedicated Consultation Hub. On 1 August 2019, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP invited Cancer Australia to conduct an enquiry... MoreClosed 17 February 2020 -
National Obesity Strategy
Have your say on a national obesity strategy. Overweight and obesity is an issue affecting our whole community. Take action and join in the consultations on a national obesity strategy. You can be a part of creating a healthier future. A range of social, environmental and economic factors contribute to obesity and impact a person’s ability to maintain a healthy weight . If the current trend continues, more than 18 million Australians (two-thirds of our projected population)... MoreClosed 15 December 2019
94 results.
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