Response 394996232

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i. Are you providing a submission on behalf of yourself as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation


iii. What type of organisation do you represent?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked National Sporting Organisation (NSO)
Radio button: Unticked National Sporting Organisation for people with a disability (NSOD)
Radio button: Unticked Sporting team/club/organisation
Radio button: Unticked Peak body
Radio button: Unticked Educational or research institute
Radio button: Unticked Industry-related business/service provider
Radio button: Ticked Australian Government department/agency
Radio button: Unticked State and Territory government department/agency
Radio button: Unticked Local council
Radio button: Unticked Other (please specify)

iv. What is the name of your organisation?

Organisation (Required)
Sport Integrity Australia

Privacy Notice - Review of the ASC Act 1989

v. Having read the Privacy Notice - Review of the ASC Act 1989, do you consent to your submission being published on the Department of Health and Aged Care Consultation Hub?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes, publish my submission, including both my name and (if applicable) organisation's name
Radio button: Ticked Yes, publish my submission, without my name but (if applicable) including my organisation's name
Radio button: Unticked Yes, publish my submission without my name or (if applicable) my organisation's name
Radio button: Unticked No, do not publish my submission