Review of the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989

Closed 12 Jul 2024

Opened 17 May 2024


The Department of Health and Aged Care (the department) has engaged Professor John McMillan AO and Clayton Utz to conduct a review of the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 (the Act).

The aim of the review is to ensure the legislation is fit for purpose, meets contemporary standards and positions the Australian Sports Commission (the Commission) to deliver its objectives and meet current and future needs within the Australian sport system.

The Terms of Reference for the review are provided below.

The consultation

Professor McMillan and the review team have developed an Issues paper which discusses:

  • The Commission’s role, function and powers
  • The governance structure of the Commission
  • The relationship of the Commission to Government
  • The relationship of the Commission to other Commonwealth sporting entities
  • The Commission’s role in sports grant administration.

We invite individuals and organisations to provide feedback on the consultation questions by completing the survey below.

Please read the Terms of Reference, the Issues paper and Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 in making a submission. 

For enquiries about the review, please contact:

Why your views matter

Your views are important. Consultation feedback will inform Professor McMillan's report to Government with recommendations for amendments to the Act.


Please ensure you have read the Privacy Notice - Review of the ASC Act 1989 before you continue with an online submission.

Your information will be stored securely and used in accordance with the Department’s Privacy Policy

What happens next

Consultation feedback will inform a report to Government with recommendations for amendments to the Act.


  • Academics
  • Non-government organisations
  • State government agencies
  • Commonwealth agencies
  • Local governments
  • General public


  • Legislation