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10 results

  • Prescribed List Reforms - Consultation Paper 8b - Alignment of amount charged for supply of a device with corresponding PL benefit

    In July-August 2023, the department consulted on several proposed measures related to compliance, assurance, and information sharing as part of the reforms to the Prescribed List ( Consultation Paper 7 ). Among the measures, was the proposal to align the amount charged for the supply of a medical device or human tissue product with the corresponding PL benefit. Stakeholders raised concerns and questions around the proposed measure. As a result, we are undertaking additional consultation... More
    Closed 13 June 2024
  • Prostheses List Reforms Consultation Paper 7 - Proposed measures for compliance, assurance and information sharing

    The purpose of this paper is to provide stakeholders information about: proposed compliance and assurance measures; and proposed measures to promote information sharing among government agencies about medical devices and human tissue products included in the Prescribed List . As part of this consultation, we invited stakeholders to attend an information webinar on Tuesday 1 August 2023, where we discussed the proposed measures, answered... More
    Closed 10 August 2023
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Consultation Paper No 6b - Proposed New Cost Recovery Legislation

    The purpose of this consultation paper is to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to understand, in greater detail, the proposed cost recovery arrangements related to the renamed Prostheses List which are planned to commence on 1 July 2023. This includes details related to legislative changes required to enact the proposed cost recovery arrangements. We ask that stakeholders provide feedback on the proposed cost recovery arrangements. This feedback will then be used to inform... More
    Closed 1 May 2023
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Consultation paper No 6a - Proposed Listing Criteria

    The purpose of this paper is to provide additional information about the listing criteria that are proposed to apply for medical devices and human tissue products to be included in the Private Health Insurance (Medical Devices and Human Tissue Products) Rules. We ask that stakeholders provide feedback on the proposed listing criteria and any ideas they have regarding the issues in the consultation paper. This feedback will then be used to inform any further refinement of the... More
    Closed 1 May 2023
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Consultation Paper 5 - Bundling of Benefits for General Use Items

    The Department of Health and Aged Care is seeking feedback from stakeholders on the bundling of benefits for general use items (GUIs). The purpose of this paper is to provide options for this new transitional arrangement which will temporarily require GUIs to be funded by insurers under the Benefit Requirements Rules. The paper can be found at the bottom of the page and is open for consultation via an online survey. More
    Closed 27 March 2023
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Mixed Benefit Groups

    Following the mixed benefits webinar held on Tuesday 14 February 2023, the Department of Health and Aged Care is publishing the following documents for stakeholders to review the regrouping work as part of the Prostheses List (PL) Reforms. The documents that can be found include: Rationale for the restructure of the PL proposed by hereco including an overview of the structure to subgroup level (accepted by the Department in December 2022); Webinar presentation and... More
    Closed 2 March 2023
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Consultation Paper 3(b) - Pathways for Applications to the Prostheses List

    In May and June 2022, the Department of Health and Aged Care held a series of virtual workshops (three in total) with key stakeholders and a small group of sponsors to seek input into the new listing pathways process to be used as part of the future Prostheses List (PL) model facilitated by the Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA), School of Public Health, The University of Adelaide. These workshops built on the information outlined in Consultation Paper 3 - A modernised... More
    Closed 28 October 2022
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Consultation Paper 2(a) - Modernisation of Part B of the Prostheses List

    The Department of Health - Prostheses List Reforms Taskforce invites submissions in relation to proposed improvements to the Private Health Insurance (PHI) Prostheses List (PL) as approved by Government and reflected in the 2021-2022 Federal Budget. The Prostheses List reforms - Consultation Paper No 2 concerns amendments to Part B of the PL, and it will be presented in two parts: 1- The present paper (2a) reflects the design stage of the reforms to Part B of the PL. It... More
    Closed 4 March 2022
  • Prostheses List Reforms - Consultation Paper 3 - A modernised fit-for-purpose listing process

    The Department of Health - Prostheses List Reforms Taskforce invites submissions in relation to proposed improvements to the Private Health Insurance (PHI) Prostheses List (PL) as approved by Government and reflected in the 2021-2022 Federal Budget. The Prostheses List reforms - Consultation Paper No 3 concerns proposed modern listing pathways, a contemporary fit-for-purpose process to be adopted for the PL which allows for applications of differing complexity to be dealt with... More
    Closed 4 March 2022
  • Consultation Paper: Options for Reforms and Improvements to the Prostheses List

    The Department of Health invites submissions in relation to options for reforms and improvements to the Prostheses List. In 2017, the Australian Government entered into the Strategic Agreement with the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA). Through the MTAA Agreement, a number of Industry Working Groups were established to consider options for reforms to the Prostheses List. However, more information is needed to finalise the reform approach. The Department has developed... More
    Closed 15 February 2021
10 results. Page 1 of 1