Prescribed List Reforms - Consultation Paper 9 - CIEDs and the cost of technical support services

Closed 6 Sep 2024

Opened 12 Jul 2024

Feedback updated 16 Jan 2025

We asked

We asked you to provide views, suggestions, and ideas on how to implement the MSAC advice about the cost of technical support services (TSS) for CIED.

We asked you to raise any matters of concern or negative implications for your organisation, you and/or your sector.

This was stage 1 of consultations on this matter.

You said

We received over 30 submissions across sectors including clinicians, technicians, consumers, hospitals and state government, insurers and sponsors with differing issues, suggestions and views.

  • There is not a single funding model/model of care for CIED across sectors or even within a sector
  • There are issues and benefits with the current funding models/models of care
  • Changes may have impact on service delivery and may increase load on public hospitals
  • There were suggestions on alternative models or changes to the current model of care.

We did

We published a high-level summary of submissions to stage 1 and released individual submissions.


We will use the information and learnings gathered in stage 1 to guide stage 2 discussions with each stakeholder group.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


On 19 April 2024, stakeholders were provided with an update on the Technical support services component of the CIED PL benefit. This included the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) advice and associated public summary document.

We are inviting stakeholders to provide views, suggestions, and ideas on how to implement the MSAC advice about the cost of technical support services (TSS) for cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs). We ask that you raise any matters of concern or negative implications for your organisation, you and/or your sector.

We acknowledge the impact that amendments to the current funding model for these services could have on consumers, sponsors, technicians and public and private hospitals and as such we are interested in understanding all perspectives on this matter.

Your feedback will be used to inform further stakeholder engagement as well as the development of options for implementation of the MSAC advice.

Why your views matter

We want to hear from all stakeholders to develop informed options to implement the MSAC advice and reduce the risk of unintended consequences.

We ask that stakeholders provide suggestions, views and ideas, raise matters of concern or negative implications for your organisation, you and/or your sector. Please read Consultation Paper 9, consider the questions, and provide your responses including as much detail and evidence as possible about the impacts as well as any options for consideration. 


  • State government agencies
  • Local governments
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • General public
  • Contracted Service Providers


  • Hospitals
  • Health technology
  • Legislation
  • Health insurance