Response 766197887

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PART 1 - Introduction and Demographic Information

6. Please answer questions i and ii:

i. Have you ever purchased infant formula products for your child or a child under your care (under 12 months of age)?
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
ii. Have you ever purchased ‘toddler milk’ for your child or a child under your care (aged 12 – 36 months)?
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
If you selected 'Yes', what affected your decision to purchase a product? (suggested word limit 250 words):
I thought it was required for my 1 year old after I weaned because I was returning to work

PART 2 - Is the MAIF Agreement effective in achieving its aims?

14. The MAIF Agreement is effective in achieving its aims.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
I dont think isbhas any teeth. There is no implications and it is very clear that when advertising toddler milk (that is totally unnecessary) that the whole thing looks the same as the baby formula

PART 3 - Is the scope of the MAIF Agreement appropriate: is it still meeting the objectives?

15. The scope of the MAIF Agreement is appropriate.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
I dont think it is strcit enough. There is still so much promotion that happens and it is really hard to know what is necessary and whoch is just marketing. I was so confused with my first and ilonly down to a realise how totally unnecessary formula was foe my toddler

16. The scope of products covered by the MAIF Agreement is appropriate.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
When you can buy 'baby juice' aimed at 1 year olds and formula that is entirely unnecessessary but the marketing replies it is. There is not enough being done.

17. The scope of parties covered by the MAIF Agreement is appropriate.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
All manufacturers, distributors and resellors who sell or ship to Australia should be required to meet this agreement. Voluntary does nothing

18. The MAIF Agreement (under Clause 7) restricts the type of information that can be provided to health care professionals on infant formula products. What activities can be done to increase the awareness of the appropriate use of breast milk substitutes amongst health care professionals?

Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
Having all studies clearly market with who sponsored them

19. Are the current advertising and marketing provisions covered by the MAIF agreement appropriate?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Should the scope be changed to include modern marketing techniques, such as targeting advertising on social media platforms? (suggested word count 250 words):
Yes 100% and influences need to be clearly targeted as well. New parents are so vulnerable. They just want to do the best they can and marketing just wants to make money
What changes would you suggest and how could they be implemented? (suggested word count 250 words):
No formula brands if audience greater than a certain amount. Truth telling on tin. Statement stating all formula's are the same.

PART 4 - Are the MAIF Agreement processes appropriate?

20. The MAIF Agreement complaints processes are appropriate.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
What is the outcome of any complaints. I've never seen any outcome to any complaint I have made.

21. The MAIF Agreement guidance documents are appropriate to support interpretation of the MAIF Agreement?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Ticked Unsure

22. Have you lodged a complaint with the MAIF Agreement Complaints Committee?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

23. If you selected 'Yes' to lodging a complaint with the MAIF Agreement Complaints Committee (Question 22). Please answer the sub-questions below.

i. How many complaints have you lodged in the last five years?
ii. When did you lodge your most recent complaint?
A 6 years a go
iii. How long did it take to resolve your complaint?
I never got a response
iv. How did you find the process for lodging your complaint including completing the form and communicating with the MAIF Secretariat? (suggested word count 250 words):
I didn't get a response
v. What was the outcome, and what was your view of the outcome? (suggested word count 250 words):
No response

24. The MAIF Agreement complaints process is independent.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Ticked Unsure

25. The MAIF Agreement complaints process is transparent.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Ticked Unsure

26. The MAIF Agreement complaints process is administered in a timely manner.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
Never got a response

27. Publication of breaches of the MAIF Agreement is an appropriate enforcement mechanism.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
No the only thing these companies care about are profits.

PART 4 continued - Is the voluntary, self-regulatory approach fit for purpose or are there alternative regulatory models?

28. The MAIF Agreement’s effectiveness is not reduced by its voluntary, self-regulatory approach.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly disagree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Strongly agree
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please provide more detail about your response (suggested word count 250 words):
It is 100% diminished because it is self administrated.

29. What are alternative approaches for regulating infant formula in Australia? In your response, please include how your suggested alternative approach improves outcomes and what would be the impacts of your suggested alternatives on relevant stakeholders? How could negative impacts be managed?

(suggested word count 500 words):
If formula is not advertised and all tins are plain packaged then then parents are not confused about it use. Toddler formula is unnecessary.

PART 5 - What are the benefits, costs and any limitations of changes and expansion of the agreement scope, alternative regulatory models and MAIF Agreement processes?

30. What changes would you make to the MAIF Agreement and its processes?

a. (suggested word count 250 words):
I want it to be mandatory and I want some teeth to ensure it is followed. I want toddler formula to be included in all restrictions as well
b. What do you think would be the potential benefits of these changes (suggested word count 250 words)?
Reduce the incorrect indo being given to parents.
c. What do you think would be the potential costs of these changes (suggested word count 250 words)?
No idea
d. What do you think would be the potential limitations of these changes (suggested word count 250 words)?
No idea

PART 6 - Final Comments

32. Do you have anything further to add?

(suggested word count 250 words):
I was upset that I liked the understanding of how marketing preyed on my fears and gave my baby toddler formula that was totally unnecessary