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Australia's obligations under Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC
Are you or your organisation/professional association in any way associated or affiliated with the e-cigarette industry?
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Provide further details of when you or your organisation ever provided services, assistance or support (whether monetary or non-monetary in nature) to the tobacco industry and/or the e-cigarette industry.
Provide further details of when you or your organisation ever provided services, assistance or support (whether monetary or non-monetary in nature) to the tobacco industry and/or the e-cigarette industry.
letter of support of the choice to vape after having a stroke it was suggested that i vape if i cannot stop smoking my health has improved blood pressure is back to normal and with the proposed legislation i will once again be classed as a smoker and treated as such as i believe that the information i have researched points in the direction thats yes it may be harmful however the benefits far outweigh the risk what i see happening is going to be detrimental to improving my choice in a democratic society that i live in
Consultation questions - tobacco advertising
What is working well in relation to the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 and the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993?
What is working well in relation to the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 and the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993?
nothing except the act of prohibition is a failure unless reasonable alternatives are sought IE vaping
Do you consider the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993 simple, clear and easy to read? If not, which elements of the regulation pose particular challenges and what changes would you suggest?
Do you consider the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993 simple, clear and easy to read? If not, which elements of the regulation pose particular challenges, and what changes would you suggest?
agree with the current legislation regarding Tobacco
What, if any, changes could be made to the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 and the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993?
What, if any, improvements could be made to the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 and the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993?
Keep vaping out of it as it is not tobacco related uness nicotine is added
Are there any studies that would support the measures that you are suggesting?
Are there any studies that would support the measures that you are suggesting?
Do you consider the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993 (or provisions within) redundant, unnecessary or otherwise not fit-for-purpose?
Do you consider the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation 1993 (or provisions within) redundant, unnecessary or otherwise not fit-for-purpose?
i support this
Consultation questions - tobacco plain packaging
What is working well in relation to the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011?
What is working well in relation to the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011?
you cant see the product so you take a guess at what you want
Do you consider the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 simple, clear and easy to read? If not, which elements of the legislation are difficult to understand and what changes would you suggest?
Do you consider the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 simple, clear and easy to read? If not, which elements of the legislation pose particular challenges, and what changes would you suggest?
What, if any, changes could be made to the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011?
What, if any, improvements could be made to the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011?
remove Vaping from the regulation changes
General consultation question
What are the benefits to you associated with the current regulatory arrangements?
What are the benefits to you associated with the current regulatory arrangements?
What are the costs to you associated with the current regulatory arrangements?
What are the costs or disadvantages to you associated with the current regulatory arrangements?
with vaping it save money and Health effects
Do you consider that any of the legislation generates unnecessary administrative burden? If so, what changes could be made to address this?
Do you consider that any of the legislation generates unnecessary administrative burden? If so, what changes could be made to address this?
when it comes to the vaping industry yes it is not a tobacco product
Do you consider that any of the Department of Health’s tobacco control legislation imposes unnecessary compliance costs on business, community organisations and individuals? If so, how could compliance costs be reduced?
Do you consider that any of the Department of Health’s tobacco control legislation imposes significant unnecessary compliance costs on business, community organisations and individuals? If so, how could compliance costs be reduced?
when it comes to the vaping industry yes it is not a tobacco product
Are there any other measures for tobacco control regulation that you think the Australian Government should consider and prioritise?
Are there any other measures for tobacco control regulation that you think the Government should consider and prioritise?
when it comes to the vaping industry yes it is not a tobacco product