Response 1036207867

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1. What is your name?

Daniel Saurine

2. Which of the following categories best describes you?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Individual - consumer
Radio button: Unticked Individual - community pharmacist (employee)
Radio button: Unticked Individual - community pharmacy owner
Radio button: Unticked Individual - consultant pharmacist
Radio button: Unticked Individual - pharmacy employee (non-pharmacist)
Radio button: Unticked Individual - hospital pharmacist
Radio button: Unticked Individual - other health professional
Radio button: Unticked Individual - retired pharmacist
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Consumer
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Pharmacy Representative Body
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Commercial Pharmacy Group
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Pharmaceutical Wholesaler
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Medicines Industry
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Chemotherapy Compounder
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Other Commercial Entity
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Other Health Professional
Radio button: Unticked Organisation - Hospital
Radio button: Unticked Government Entity
Radio button: Unticked Other