The draft National Strategy for Radiation Safety

Closed 21 Dec 2021

Opened 7 Oct 2021



Australia has a long history of successfully managing the use of radiation technologies. There are well established safety standards in Australia to protect the community and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation.

A review of Australia’s systems for radiation safety by the International Atomic Energy Agency identified opportunities for Australian governments to improve the consistency of regulation across the country.

It is important that Australia’s framework for radiation safety is flexible and responsive to future challenges and emerging technologies. It is essential that all Australians are able to benefit from technologies that use radiation and have confidence in their safety.

The draft National Strategy for Radiation Safety and Implementation Plan (the draft National Strategy) aims to develop a consistent approach to radiation protection across Australia. It focuses on bringing the existing elements of radiation safety together to ensure a more cohesive and harmonised approach across the country.

The draft National Strategy has been developed in partnership with the states and territories.  The draft National Strategy has been endorsed by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC). It is a key step towards improving consistency in managing radiation safety across Australia. It will further reduce red tape delivering benefits to businesses, health systems and users of radiation and nuclear technology, as well as the people employed in those industries.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to seek the feedback from stakeholders and users of radiation technologies. The diverse perspectives, experience and knowledge of all stakeholders and interested members of the community are valued.

What happens next

The feedback received as part of this consultation process will contribute to the finalisation of the National Strategy and Implementation Plan. This will support the establishment of an intergovernmental agreement between Commonwealth, state and territory governments for the regulation of radiation safety. It is anticipated that the National Strategy and Implementation Plan will be finalised by April 2022.

How and when can I provide feedback

You can provide feedback at the link below under Provide Your feedback.

The closing date for this consultation is extended until close of business 21 December 2021. 

 You can contact us at for further information.


  • Non-government organisations
  • State government agencies
  • Commonwealth agencies
  • Local governments
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • Businesses
  • Contracted Service Providers
  • Aged care service providers
  • Aged care workforce
  • Aged care professionals


  • Hospitals
  • Health technology
  • Legislation
  • Regulatory policy
  • Environmental health
  • Prescription drugs
  • Administration
  • Strategic Policy
  • Policy Development