28 results
Get involved - Review draft national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists
You are invited to participate in consultation to test the draft national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists. Allen + Clarke has been engaged by the Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) to undertake background research and engage with key stakeholders to develop national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists. Information and insights gathered during the initial research and consultation phases informed the development of a set of draft national... MoreCloses 13 December 2024 -
Star Ratings for residential aged care – design changes
Star Ratings for residential aged care is getting a refresh. We want your feedback on how ratings are calculated and other proposed improvements. Star Ratings can help older people and their families compare the quality of aged care homes and make more informed choices. We are changing the way some of the ratings are calculated, following the commencement of the new Aged Care Act. We want your feedback on: how the Compliance rating is calculated how the... MoreCloses 13 December 2024 -
Medical Research Future Fund Australian Brain Cancer Mission - National Consultation on the refreshed Roadmap and Implementation Plan
The Australian Brain Cancer Mission is investing $126.4 million over 10 years from 2017-18 to support research into brain cancer. This consists of $50 million from the Australian Government through the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and $76.4 million to date in commitments from the Funding Partners. The Mission will make investments in research to achieve transformative improvement to the quality and length of life of people with brain cancer, with the longer term aim of... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Development of the Fifth National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2024-2030
Ensuring Australians can live free from the impact of Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) is a priority of the Australian Government. We are seeking your feedback on the draft Fifth National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2024-2030 (Strategy). This Strategy sits alongside other National Strategies that address: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; and Blood-Borne Viruses (BBV) and... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Aged Care Reforms Sector Pulse Survey
The Aged Care Reforms Sector Pulse Survey is an opportunity for the aged care sector to tell us how things are going and what support you need from us. Your feedback will help us improve communication, engagement, training and support as you implement the changes to aged care. Who can participate? aged care providers aged care workers other stakeholders who are involved in delivering a service in the aged care system. ... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Have your say! Complex Project Management Profession
The Complex Project Management (CPM) Profession seeks to enhance the complex project management skillset to transform how the APS successfully delivers Government priorities. As a member of the CPM Profession, you will be part of the commitment to uplift capability, evaluate how our workforce responds to increasing complexity in projects, and embed exemplary practices for adoption across the APS. MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
National Lung Cancer Screening Program Guidelines Public Consultation
The National Lung Cancer Screening Program (program) is an Australian Government initiative being implemented in partnership with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). From July 2025, high-risk people aged between 50 and 70 years with a history of cigarette smoking of at least 30 pack-years will be able to get a free low-dose CT scan using fixed and mobile screening infrastructure every two years unless a screen detected abnormality is found... MoreCloses 5 January 2025 -
Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program: Wave 3 Category Definitions and Targets
**** CLOSING DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO THE 17 JANUARY 2025 **** The Healthy Food Partnership (Partnership) is a voluntary collaboration between the food industry, the public health sector and government. Its goal is to enhance population health by improving the food environment and influencing Australians' ability to make healthier food choices. A key initiative of the Partnership is the Partnership Reformulation Program (PRP) which aims to reduce Australians'... MoreCloses 17 January 2025 -
Residential Care Service List
The Department of Health and Aged Care is consulting on the proposed Residential Care Service List. This list explains what care and services aged care homes must provide to all permanent residents and residential respite recipients. It will replace the current Schedule 1 of the Quality of Care Principles 2014 – the Schedule of Specified Care and Services, under the new Aged Care Act. The department has also received feedback from the recent... MoreCloses 20 January 2025 -
Review of Primary Health Network Business Model & Mental Health Flexible Funding Model
Primary Health Networks (PHNs) were established by the Australian Government in 2015 as a response to the recommendations of the Review of Medicare Locals conducted by John Horvath (2014). Since they were established, the primary care sector has changed significantly and the role of PHNs has expanded in response to primary care and digital reforms, COVID-19, climate driven emergencies, and impacts from workforce shortages. Looking forward, Strengthening Medicare and MyMedicare, reviews... MoreCloses 22 January 2025 -
2024 Influenza Vaccination Reporting for Aged Care Service Staff and Residents
Reporting of residential aged care residents and aged care staff influenza vaccinations in 2024 As required under the Aged Care Act 1997, Accountability Principles, each aged care service must report the number of residential aged care residents and aged care staff who received an influenza vaccination in 2024. This important information will support future vaccination activities in 2025 and ensures adequate steps have been taken to protect residents and staff... MoreCloses 7 February 2025 -
National Health and Medical Research Strategy - Webinar Survey
The Minister for Health and Aged Care announced in May 2024 that the Australian Government would develop the National Health and Medical Research Strategy (National Strategy). The purpose of the National Strategy is to deliver: a plan to strengthen and leverage Australia’s world-leading research capability better health outcomes from a productive and efficient research ecosystem. At the conclusion of... MoreCloses 28 February 2025 -
Single Assessment System Workforce Transition Training Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials that have been developed for your transition to a Single Assessment System workforce. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Goal 3: Provision of Quality Screening and Assessments Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you in Goal 3 within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Goal 1: Work Effectively in Aged Care Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you in Goal 1 within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Goal 2: Supporting Client Centred Aged Care Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you in Goal 2 within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Goal 4: Work with Aged Care Programs Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you in Goal 4 within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Goal 5: Understanding Diversity Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you in Goal 5 within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Goal 6: Responding to Individual Need Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you in Goal 6 within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Optional Learning Goal: Learning Feedback
Share your views with us on the training materials provided to you within MAClearning. MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
Request for Revalidated Service
This form is to be completed if you wish to complete a request for a Revalidated Service for a client with the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Please click the link below to begin your request. MoreCloses 1 July 2026 -
MAClearning Content and System Feedback
Share your views with us on the training elements and MAClearning System. MoreCloses 31 December 2026 -
My Aged Care referrals for GPs - Survey
My Aged Care referrals for GPs - Survey MoreCloses 1 January 2028 -
Application for a Non-Scheduled Device
Thank you for your interest in submitting a Non-Scheduled Device Request. A service provider must attain prior approval if they wish to fit a device that is: Not listed on the schedule of approved devices A remote control that is over $200 Approval of a non-scheduled device is only granted for clients with exceptional circumstances such that there is no suitable device on the fully subsidised schedule. The request must include supporting... MoreCloses 1 January 2030 -
Application to Register as an Appointed Supplier
Thank you for your interest in becoming registered as an Appointed Supplier for the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Please click the link below to begin your application. You may wish to download a PDF version of the application form before you proceed. Note that we will not accept applications that have been completed through the PDF form. All applications must be submitted through this online application form. MoreCloses 22 January 2030 -
Application for Transfer of Accreditation
Thank you for your interest in transferring your accreditation as a service provider for the Australian Government Hearing Services Program to another entity. Please click the link below to begin your application. You may wish to download a PDF of the application form for your information before you proceed. Note that we will not accept applications that have been completed through the PDF form. All applications must be submitted through this online application form. MoreCloses 22 January 2030 -
Application for Accreditation as a Service Provider
Thank you for your interest in becoming accredited as a service provider for the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Please click the link below to begin your application. You may wish to download a PDF of the application form for your information before you proceed. Note that we will not accept applications that have been completed through the PDF form. All applications must be submitted through this online application form. MoreCloses 31 January 2030 -
6 Month Check-in for New Service Providers
Contracted Service Providers (providers) are responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Australian Government Hearing Services Program (the program). The 6 Month Check-in survey has been developed to assist new providers with understanding if they are currently meeting program requirements. You are completing this survey because it has been 6 months since you became an accredited provider with the program. We thought it would be a good time to check in with you to... MoreCloses 9 March 2030
28 results.
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