6 Month Check-in for New Service Providers

Closes 9 Mar 2030

6 Month Check-in Checklist

Throughout the 6 Month Check-in survey, you will be asked to upload a number of documents, including copies of your business policies, procedures, and forms. Below is a checklist of all documents you will be asked to upload. Please have these ready to upload as you complete the survey. 

Document Checklist

Policies and Procedures

  • Supervision of provisional practitioners
  • Managing client records and health information
  • Device supply disclosure
  • Complaints handling
  • Relocations for program clients
  • Medical referral
  • Provision of device quotes
  • Provision of private services and devices to program clients


  • Device quote form
  • Maintenance agreement form
  • Client relocation consent form
  • Private services and devices acklowledgement form

If you do not have any of the above policies, procedures, and forms in place currently, there will be a textbox for you to provide any clarifying information as to why these are not in place, and what steps you are undertaking to implement them.