Autism Health Roadmap Survey- short form

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Closes 27 Sep 2024

Complete the survey

You can provide your feedback by answering this survey, or you can email your comments to


The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has listened to many Autistic people, their families and carers, and a range of experts to create a draft version of the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People (the Autism Health Roadmap).

The aim of the Autism Health Roadmap is to address the issues faced by Autistic people in the health care system and to outline actions to improve the health and mental health outcomes for Autistic people in Australia.

The Autism Health Roadmap has been developed through expert advice, by looking at current evidence and by listening to many Autistic people, their families and carers, and other stakeholders.

You can read the Autism Health Roadmap here 

About the consultation

The Department of Health and Aged Care wants your feedback on Autism Health Roadmap.

They want to know if you think it includes everything that is important for and to improve the health and mental health of Autistic people.

Participating in the consultation will help the Australian Government understand what you think should be in the final Autism Health Roadmap. This will help ensure that the Roadmap is aligned with what the Autistic and autism communities want.

Who can participate in the consultation?

This public consultation is open to anyone who wants to give feedback, including:

  • Autistic people and their families
  • People who work with or care for Autistic people
  • Other people with an interest in the Autism Health Roadmap.

We encourage people who may have challenges responding to the consultation to seek support to respond to the survey.

Your participation in this consultation is voluntary. You can stop participating at any time.

How do I participate?

You can provide your feedback by completing the survey, using the link below. You can type your responses, use voice to text software or upload a video or audio response.

If you need help to complete this survey or would like a hard copy, please email the Autism Health Roadmap team at

Or you can email your feedback to us. 

The survey will be open until 11:59PM AEST, Friday 27 September.

Who is conducting the survey?

This survey is being conducted by the Department of Health and Aged Care. The Department takes your privacy seriously and will keep your response confidential.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You can stop responding at any point, even if you haven’t completed the survey. Once you have hit ‘submit’ your responses will be sent to us without identifying you.