Scope of Practice Review - Issues Paper 2 Public Submissions

Closed 26 May 2024

Opened 18 Apr 2024


This survey framework seeks your views on Issues Paper #2 of the Scope of Practice Review.

Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce, Scope of Practice Review is being conducted in four phases between September 2023 and October 2024. Professor Mark Cormack is leading this intensive, independent review.

Focused on health professionals who currently provide or have the potential to provide primary care, the Review explores the available evidence of the benefits, risks, barriers  and enablers associated with health professionals working to their full scope of practice. Full scope of practice means the professional activities that a health professional is educated (skill/knowledge), competent and authorised to perform, and for which they are accountable

A core component of the Review is understanding the regulatory landscape in which all primary health care professionals (including regulated, self-regulated and unregulated) practice and operate within. In addition, the Review is considering the conditions which enable multidisciplinary care teams to work at their full scope of practice to deliver better care.

Phase 2 of the Review highlighted a range of reforms that could enable the health professional to work to their full scope of practice, enable the collaborative healthcare team to provide optimal person-centred care and support the system to deliver best practice primary care.

The purpose of Issues Paper #2 is to provide an overview of the evidence collected to date through evidence review, submissions and consultations, to outline the options for reform based on the sum of this evidence and pose questions for further exploration through the next phase of consultations. 

Why your views matter

As we embark on Phase 3 of the Scope of Practice Review, your engagement and contributions through submissions are more critical than ever. This phase represents a pivotal moment in our journey to shape the future of primary health care practice. Your submissions provide a unique opportunity to influence policy and reform decisions that will directly affect the practice and delivery of health care in our country. This is your chance to ensure that the voice of your profession, organisation, or community is heard at the national level. 

You bring specialised knowledge, experience, and insight that are essential to a comprehensive and informed review. Your submissions help us understand the nuances of current practices, challenges, and opportunities for reform from those who live it every day.

We understand the commitment it takes to participate in this process and do not take your contribution lightly. Thank you for your dedication, insight, and willingness to contribute to this important work.


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
  • Seniors
  • Men
  • Women
  • Carers and guardians
  • Academics
  • Non-government organisations
  • State government agencies
  • Commonwealth agencies
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • General public
  • Aged care service providers
  • Aged care workforce
  • Aged care professionals
  • Prescription medicines


  • Medicare
  • Rural health services
  • Regulatory policy
  • Learning and development
  • Strategic Policy
  • Policy Development