National Cervical Screening Program - Primary Health Network Feedback Form

Closed 28 Sep 2018

Opened 11 Sep 2018


The Department of Health is seeking feedback from PHN staff on the effectiveness of these teleconferences relating to the National Cervical Screening Program and National Cancer Screening Register in order to identify ongoing opportunities for improvement.

PHN teleconferences are held every 6 to 8 weeks to ensure PHN staff are kept informed of progress with implementation of the renewed NCSP and the NCSR; and to discuss issues and share learnings.

We look forward to receiving your feedback and your ideas. The feedback and your suggestions will be shared at the next scheduled meeting. The survey should not take you more than 2 minutes to complete.

Please email should you have any questions or comments regarding the survey.

The survey closes on 28 September 2018.


  • Health professionals


  • Management review