National Early Intervention Service - Draft Service Delivery Model
The Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) is seeking feedback on the National Early Intervention Service draft service delivery model informed by targeted consultations with service providers, consumer and lived experience groups, priority population representatives and state and territory governments throughout October – December 2024.
This consultation process seeks to gather sector-wide feedback to ensure the draft service delivery model and service principles are implementable nationally, and sustainable and inclusive. We are also seeking feedback on whether they meet the objectives of the service and needs of the community. The draft service delivery model was developed in partnership with Nous Group.
In the 2024-25 Budget, the Government provided $588.5 million over eight years from 2024-25 and $113.4 million per year ongoing for a new national early intervention service (NEIS) providing free digital mental health support. The NEIS will provide support for people at risk of, or experiencing, mild mental ill-health or transient distress to get the right support when they need it.
From 1 January 2026, the service will provide free cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), delivered by skilled and trained professionals, via phone or video. Services will be free and accessible without a diagnosis or referral from a GP. The NEIS will also provide a curated set of free, evidence-based online tools and resources for people able and willing to try self-guided support. Once fully implemented by 2029, the service is expected to support over 150,000 people each year.
An accompanying national communications campaign will promote awareness, trust and use of the NEIS amongst referring health practitioners and consumers, including priority populations. The service will also be independently evaluated to make sure it is working effectively, and to inform future policy.
The implementation of the NEIS is a key step to an integrated stepped care model for the mental health system and this investment is an opportunity for the Government, in partnership with the sector, to drive reforms in the system to better support our community. This initiative will also support the careful and sustainable growth of low intensity mental health services in Australia, and the workforce to deliver these services.
A national platform providing low intensity digital mental health services has been recommended in key reports including the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Mental Health and the independent evaluation of the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule initiative (Better Access).
Objectives of the NEIS
The NEIS seeks to:
- provide and deliver high-quality and evidence-based mental health support for people living in Australia who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, mild mental ill-health and transient distress
- alleviate pressure on higher acuity services (e.g., Better Access and state/territory hospital systems)
- assist with the development or supplementation of a trained workforce to safely deliver high-quality, low-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy from 1 January 2026, and potentially other low-intensity mental health supports over time.
- reduce fragmentation of mental health services and improve linkages with the broader service system through effective intake, assessment, and referral processes.
How to give us your views
You can respond to the consultation questions in the online survey via the link below.
Please note late submissions will not be accepted for this consultation.
Answering questions is optional and you don’t have to answer all the questions to submit a response.
Your privacy
The Department invites you to share your views on the NEIS draft service delivery model.
Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles, and is being collected by the Department, via Citizen Space, for the purpose of conducting a consultation process in relation to the proposed draft service delivery mode;l for the NEIS. The Department will collect your personal information at the time that you provide a submission, unless you choose to make a submission anonymously, and you are not reasonably identifiable from the information provided in your submission.
You can get more information about the way in which the Department will manage your personal information, including our privacy policy at Privacy policy | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care <>
Note for potential NEIS competitive process applicants and future service providers
In the competitive process to select the NEIS provider(s) in 2025, applications can only be accepted from service providers who have:
- achieved accreditation against the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards (the Standards); or
- received an outcome of ‘working towards accreditation’ following assessment by an approved accrediting agency.
Any service provider(s) delivering the NEIS from 1 January 2026 will be required to be accredited against the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards (Standards) and must remain complaint against these standards by renewing accreditation every 3 years. For more information on the Standards visit: National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Seniors
- Men
- Women
- Carers and guardians
- Parents
- Academics
- Non-government organisations
- State government agencies
- Commonwealth agencies
- Local governments
- Health workforce
- Mental health
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