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Public Consultation on an Emerging Mental Health Curriculum Framework for Undergraduate Health Degrees
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4 Apr 2025
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1. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. What is your organisation? (Optional)
4. I consent to the Department collecting, using and storing the information provided by me in my submission, including any sensitive information, as set out in the supporting information for this project. I understand that Deloitte Australia will have access to this data and information, as part of the completion of this project.
Yes, I Agree
5. Tell us a bit about yourself (Required – select all that apply)
I am a representative of a professional body/peak organisation
I am a representative from a State or Territory government department/agency
I am a representative from a Commonwealth government department/agency
I am a representative from a university, education, or research institution
I am a representative from a health service delivery organisation
I am a representative from a not-for-profit/community organisation
I am a representative from a primary health network
I am a representative from a local health district
I am a currently enrolled undergraduate health student
I am a recently graduated health practitioner
I am a person with lived or living experience in the health and care and support system
I am a carer of a person with lived or living experience in the health and care and support system
Other – please specify
6. What activities would be needed to support the development of any mental health curriculum framework? (Optional)
List the kind of activities needed to support the development of any mental health curriculum framework
7. What types of mental health-related competencies should be included in any mental health curriculum framework (noting these should apply to all health professions in scope)? (Optional)
Identify types of mental health-related competencies should be included in any mental health curriculum framework (noting these should apply to all health professions in scope)
8. What are some effective ways to teach mental health-related competencies in undergraduate education and training settings? (Optional)
Effective ways to teach mental health-related competencies in undergraduate education and training settings
9. Do you have any considerations in relation to interdisciplinary training or practice that could have implications for this piece of work? (Optional)
Provide considerations in relation to interdisciplinary training or practice that could have implications for this piece of work
10. What activities would be needed to support the implementation of any mental health curriculum framework? (Optional)
Advise of any activities needed to support the implementation of any mental health curriculum framework
11. What else might be happening in your sector/area of expertise that could have implications for this piece of work? (Optional)
Advise if there is anything happening in your sector/area of expertise that could have implications for this piece of work
12. (If relevant – lived and living experience / carers and families) Are there any things that you think need to be considered for this work, based on your own lived or living experience in the health and care and support system? (Optional)
Question relevant to lived and living experience / carers and families - Advise if anything needs to be considered for this work based on own llived or living experience in the health and care and support system?
13. (If relevant – current students) How could you be supported to learn additional mental health content in your current studies? (Optional)
Question relevant to current students - Identify how you can be supported to learn additional mental health content in your current studies
14. (If relevant – recent graduates) What do you wish you had learned in your undergraduate training about mental health that would have helped you early in your career? (Optional)
Question is relevant to recent graduates - What is something you wish you had learned in your undergraduate training about mental health that would have helped you early in your career?
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