Online Survey - Development of national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists

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Closes 5 Jul 2024


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey to support the development of national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists.


In May 2023, in response to the recommendations of the Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, the Australian Government announced the development of national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists.

To inform the development of national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists, Allen + Clarke has been engaged by the Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) to conduct a survey and interviews to gather insights from the sector.

The survey has 21 questions and is estimated to take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey is structured in three parts:

  • Part 1 seeks information about you and your role.
  • Part 2 seeks your perspectives on existing standards and frameworks relating to the counselling and psychotherapy profession, and any challenges that exist.
  • Part 3 seeks your insights on future national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists.

Your contact details will be required to aid Allen + Clarke in clarifying any details of the information you submit. All survey response data provided to the Department and included in the final report will be de-identified.

Data collected during the survey will be stored confidentially on the Qualtrics platform.

If you have any questions about the survey or participating, you can contact Allen + Clarke at

1. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. What is your organisation?
4. Which of the following best represents your role (select all that apply):
5. Could you communicate the core purpose for why counselling and psychotherapy professions exist, the main ways that you engage with counsellors and psychotherapists in your work, and why standards might assist that?
There is a limit of 2000 characters
6. Which Australian state or territory are you based?
7. If you are a practitioner, are you a member of a peak body?
8. If you are a practitioner, are you open to discussing your experiences and insights further? If so, you may be invited for an interview, up to 1 hour at a time that suits you.
9. Do you practice, teach, or observe specific standards or frameworks that relate to counselling and psychotherapy services? For example, scopes of practice, training standards.
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10. In your opinion, what are the main strengths of the current arrangements?
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11. In your opinion, what are the main challenges with the current arrangements?
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12. The objective of the national standards is to define national minimum standards for education, supervision, continuing professional development, and oversight requirements to ensure quality, safety and confidence in the counselling and psychotherapy professions. Does the objective meet your expectations? Are there any adjustments that need to be made?
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13. Which professional disciplines should be captured by the national standards?
14. What areas should be captured by the national standards?
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15. Which areas should not be captured by the national standards?
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16. Who should have oversight of the national standards?
17. In your opinion, how do you think education on these standards should occur?
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18. In your opinion, should compliance with the national standards be voluntary or mandatory for all counselling professions?
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19. What does the Department need to consider to ensure the change from existing arrangements to national standards are successful?
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20. Noting that we will be talking with advocates of people with lived experience, what role might people with lived experience and their representative bodies have in the implementation of these standards?
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21. Do you have any further comments about the development of national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists?
There is a limit of 2000 characters