Feedback Survey on - Addressing Critical Psychology Shortages - Postgraduate Psychology Incentive Grant Program

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Closes 31 Jul 2024


1. Name of Higher Education Provider.
2. What is your email address?
3. List of all Postgraduate Psychology Courses your organisation is currently delivering.
4. Did you apply for the Round 1 (2023-24) of the Postgraduate Psychology Incentive Program (GO6686)?
5. If No, what contributed to your decision not to apply? Please provide a short reason.
There is a limit of 600 characters
6. How did you become aware of the Grant opportunity? (select all that apply)
There is a limit of 600 characters
7. The Forecast Opportunity for Round 1 (2023-24) was released in late December 2023 to notify potential applicants about the grant and related requirements. The Grant Opportunity Guidelines (GoGS) were published and the Grant Opportunity opened on GrantConnect on 22 February 2024 and closed on 11 April 2024. Did the timing of the Forecast Opportunity and subsequent grant round provide enough time to prepare your application?
8. Did it provide enough time to plan for increasing student enrolments in postgraduate psychology courses in Semester 1 2024?
9. Please provide any further comment on the timing of the grant round and how this could be improved:
There is a limit of 600 characters
10. How do you rate your experience in completing the grant application documents i.e. application form, data template to calculate incentives? [One response only]
11. Please provide a short reason why you gave this rating:
There is a limit of 600 characters
12. Did the published grant information in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions give you enough information to apply?
13. Please provide any further information on how these documents could be improved.
There is a limit of 600 characters
14. A key objective of the grant round was to support higher education providers to create additional postgraduate psychology places in courses which lead to general registration and can lead to relevant areas of practice endorsement.

Key eligibility criteria were:

  • Your organisation must be an Australian higher education provider approved to offer Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs)
  • Courses must lead to general registration and may lead to one of the following Areas of Practice Endorsement: Clinical neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology, Community Psychology, Counselling Psychology or Health Psychology
  • Your organisation must meet an 8.7% yearly minimum growth rate in their student enrolments compared to the previous year for eligible courses
  • at least one of the new postgraduate psychology places in 2024 must be a CSP.

Please provide comment on how the eligibility criteria for the Grant Opportunity supported (or did not support) achieving the stated objective? 

There is a limit of 1200 characters
15. Would you suggest any changes to the eligibility criteria?
There is a limit of 1200 characters
16. Given the same selection criteria and funding as Round 1, would you apply for Round 2 (2024- 2025)?
17. If you wouldn’t apply, why not? Please explain.
There is a limit of 600 characters
18. What changes could be made to support your organisation to apply for funding through this Grant Opportunity in future rounds?
There is a limit of 1200 characters