Consultation on private health insurance chronic disease management programs

Closes 2 Aug 2024

Opened 7 Jun 2024


The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is proposing to expand the list of health professionals for which insurer benefits under Chronic Disease Management Programs (CDMPs) will be eligible for risk equalisation across health insurers. Specifically, it is proposed that practice nurses, nurse practitioners, and mental health nurses are added to the list of health professionals eligible for private health insurance-funded CDMP benefits. The department is also seeking more information to better understand insurers’ approaches to planning and executing CDMPs.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to seek stakeholder and community responses on the department’s consultation paper.

Your feedback will inform consideration of the proposed changes, if they should be implemented, and how to best implement them.

How to respond

Please submit your response via email to Submissions are due by 2 August 2024.

To support stakeholder engagement, the department intends to publish responses. Respondents are asked to clearly identify specific elements of the response which are considered confidential and not for publication, as well as the reasons the specific elements are considered confidential.  Confidential feedback may still be subject to access under freedom of information laws. The freedom of information process includes consultation with a respondent prior to a decision about the release of information.


  • Non-government organisations
  • State government agencies
  • Commonwealth agencies
  • Local governments
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • General public
  • Community groups
  • Aged care service providers
  • Aged care workforce
  • Aged care professionals


  • Hospitals
  • Medicare
  • Health insurance
  • Regulatory policy
  • Strategic Policy
  • Policy Development