2021 Survey for CHSP ACH Providers

Closed 15 Dec 2021

Opened 20 Oct 2021


New face-to-face supports to assist people to navigate and access aged care were announced in the 2021-22 Budget under the Connecting senior Australians to aged care services measure. These will complement the existing My Aged Care website and phone line and will include a My Aged Care face-to-face service to be delivered by Services Australia and a network of care finders.

A new care finder program will provide specialist assistance to senior Australians who need intensive support to understand and access aged care services and could otherwise fall through the cracks. The service will include outreach; end-to-end support to navigate and access aged care services; and assistance to connect with other relevant supports, such as health and social supports in the community.

To streamline navigation supports, Assistance with Care and Housing (ACH) services will transition into the new care finder program from January 2023. The exception will be the sub-activity under ACH, Hoarding and Squalor (H&S) support services. These services will remain as part of the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and remain funded from 1 January 2023.

The information provided in this survey will be used to inform the CHSP extension process related ACH and Hoarding & Squalor activities from 1 Jan 2023 onwards.

Survey instructions

This survey is mandatory for ACH funded service providers. The survey may take up to 20 minutes to complete. The survey has a ‘save and return’ feature which allows you to save your responses and return later to complete. However, you will need to complete your responses for all questions that is marked ‘required’ before you can go back or forward a page.

Attached below is a pdf version of the Survey to enable organisations gather relevant information prior to completion. Please ensure the final response is submitted online via the survey link below. Online submissions will enable the department to accurately collate survey responses.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please email homesupportpolicy@health.gov.au


We're committed to your privacy. Please be assured that any answers you give in response to questions in this survey will only be used for the intent and purpose of informing program design and provider support. They will not be used for any other purposes such as compliance or auditing.

What happens next

This information will be used to support the work of the ACH Transition Working Group. 


  • Aged care service providers


  • Aged Care