The Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC): Consultation on how the Australian CDC plans to use data

Closes 30 Sep 2024

1. Privacy and your personal information

Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles, and is being collected by the Department, via Citizen Space, for the purposes of conducting a consultation process in relation to how the proposed Australian Centre for Disease Control plans to use data.

The Department will collect your personal information at the time that you provide a submission, unless you choose to make a submission anonymously, and you are not reasonably identifiable from the information provided in your submission.

You can read the Privacy Agreement by clicking here.

By making a submission, I acknowledge that:

  • I understand that the giving of my consent is entirely voluntary
  • I am over the age of 18 years
  • I understand the purpose of the collection, use, publication or disclosure of my submission
  • I understand that copyright in the content of my submission will vest in the Commonwealth of Australia
  • Where relevant, I have obtained the consent of any individuals whose personal information is included in my submission, to the Department collecting this information for the purposes outlined in this notice
  • I understand that, where I have provided consent to my submission being published, the Department has complete discretion as to whether my submission, in full or part, will be published.
Have you read and understood the Privacy Agreement (above)?
Please let us know how we can use your response: