National Health and Medical Research Strategy - Webinar Survey
The Minister for Health and Aged Care announced in May 2024 that the Australian Government would develop the National Health and Medical Research Strategy (National Strategy).
The purpose of the National Strategy is to deliver:
- a plan to strengthen and leverage Australia’s world-leading research capability
- better health outcomes from a productive and efficient research ecosystem.
At the conclusion of the online webinar conducted by the Chair of the National Health and Medical Research Strategy, Ms Rosemary Huxtable AO PSM, and the CEO of the Health and Medical Research Office, Ms Natasha Ploenges, on the 5th of December 2024, this survey will go live to capture your reaction to the development of the National Strategy, your initial opinion on important priorities to be considered, and your preferred method of consultation in the future.
What happens next
Thank you for sharing your views. These will be taken into account when developing the draft National Health and Medical Research Strategy.
- Anyone from any background
- Hospitals
- e-Health
- Health technology
- Medicare
- Legislation
- Pharmaceutical benefits
- Health insurance
- Rural health services
- Regulatory policy
- Women's health
- Children's health
- Learning and development
- Dementia
- Home Care
- Aged Care
- Residential Aged Care
- Short-Term Restorative Care
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Chronic disease
- Communicable diseases
- Mental health
- Drugs and substance abuse
- Food standards
- Organ and tissue donation
- Immunisation
- Hearing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- Environmental health
- Prescription drugs
- Preventative health
- Dental health
- Non-prescription medicines
- Grants and procurement
- Management review
- Administration
- Staff audit
- Staff election
- Disability Workforce Action Plan 2016-18
- Capability
- Information Technology
- Strategic Policy
- Policy Development
- Cancer
- Health and Medical Research
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