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334 results

  • Draft 24-hour movement recommendations for adults and older Australians

    To help Australians understand how much to sit, move, and sleep across the day, the Australian Government is updating and modernising: Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Guidelines for Adults (18-64 years) Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Guidelines for Older People (65 years and above). The modernised guidelines will incorporate a 24-hour approach to activity and will recognise the importance of sleep. The updated 24-hour... More
    Opened 18 September 2024
  • Reforms to Strengthen the National Mental Health Commission and National Suicide Prevention Office

    The Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) is leading consultation on reforms to strengthen the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) and National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO). As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Government announced a process of reform to reset and strengthen the NMHC and NSPO. This reform process will respond to the findings of the 2023 Independent Investigation into the Commission (the Investigation), while positioning both the NMHC... More
    Opened 16 September 2024
  • Proposed amendments to the Gene Technology Act 2000

    The Third Review (Review) of the National Gene Technology Scheme (Scheme) found that overall, the Scheme is working well and has operated successfully in assessing and managing the risks posed by genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The Review also identified opportunities to update and modernise the Scheme that would strengthen it and make sure it remains fit for purpose. The proposed amendments to Gene Technology Act 2000 (the GT Act) aim to ensure the Scheme... More
    Opened 13 September 2024
  • Safe and Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Health Care – Legislation and Regulation Review

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help solve urgent and emerging challenges in our health care system and support the health care workforce dedicate more time to delivering care. However, along with the potential opportunities of AI in health care, there is community concern about the safety and risks of AI. There are concerns that current legislative and regulatory frameworks do not adequately mitigate potential for harm. There are high-risk use cases for AI in health care. ... More
    Opened 13 September 2024
  • Draft National Nursing Workforce Strategy

    The Department of Health and Aged Care, Victorian Department of Health and Safer Care Victoria, in collaboration with all jurisdictions, are developing Australia’s first National Nursing Workforce Strategy (the strategy). The strategy will establish priorities for enhancing the nursing workforce, aiming to bolster the delivery of health and aged care to all Australian communities. It offers a comprehensive framework to foster collaboration and drive action... More
    Opened 11 September 2024
  • Have your say about MBS Online

    MBS Online contains the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), a listing of the Medicare services subsidised by the Australian Government. MBS Online is critical for keeping Australians – including patients, providers, insurers and software vendors – up to date on the latest MBS information by reflecting updates as soon as changes to the MBS occur. This survey gives users of MBS Online a chance to provide their views and feedback on the functionality and user experience of the... More
    Opened 9 September 2024
  • 2024 Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule Review

    The 2023-24 Budget included agreement to a comprehensive review of the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) Schedule. The aim of the SAS Schedule Review (the Review) is to make sure all the products listed are clinically effective, correctly priced, and cost-effective. While there have been reviews of specific sub-groups or products on the SAS Schedule, there has been no comprehensive review of all products, pricing and groups since 2010. The Review is focusing on: the... More
    Opened 2 September 2024
  • MPS 24/7 RN Trial Survey

    The purpose of this survey is to provide MPS trial sites with the opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences with the 24/7 RN requirement trial and reporting arrangements. More
    Opened 1 September 2024
  • The Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC): Consultation on how the Australian CDC plans to use data

    The Government has committed to establishing a centre for disease control (CDC) to make sure Australia is well prepared for public health emergencies The Australian Government wants the CDC to: prepare and plan for potential public health emergencies, such as pandemics provide advice to support responses to emergencies that affect public health, such as natural disasters stay up to date with the latest evidence on... More
    Opened 30 August 2024
  • National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People

    Complete the survey The Department of Health and Aged Care wants your feedback on the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People (the Autism Health Roadmap). You can provide your feedback by answering this survey, or you can email your comments to Background The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has worked with the Autistic and autism community, as... More
    Opened 14 August 2024
  • Autism Health Roadmap Survey- short form

    Complete the survey You can provide your feedback by answering this survey, or you can email your comments to Background The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has listened to many Autistic people, their families and carers, and a range of experts to create a draft version of the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People (the Autism Health Roadmap). ... More
    Opened 14 August 2024
  • Prescribed List Reforms - Consultation Paper 10 - General Use Items utilisation, expenditure and integrity

    On 1 May 2024, the Minister of Health and Aged Care announced that general use items (GUI) would be retained on Part D of the Prescribed List (PL). This decision follows consistent feedback from multiple stakeholders that removing the GUIs from the PL without an alternative funding arrangement would have negative clinical implications and potential adverse outcomes for patients. Some stakeholders raised concerns about the increasing growth in use per episode of care and... More
    Opened 9 August 2024
  • Changes to the Recommended Use of Herpes Zoster Vaccines in the Australian Immunisation Handbook

    The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) is consulting with stakeholders to remove information about Zostavax in the Australian Immunisation Handbook, with an intention to submit the revised chapter to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for its approval under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. Submission instructions This public consultation will be open for a period of 30 days and you are... More
    Opened 26 July 2024
  • MBS Health Assessment Items Review Consultation Survey

    Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) health assessment items support general practitioners and prescribed medical practitioners working in general practice to deliver a comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s health and wellbeing, and consider whether preventative care and education may be of benefit to the patient. In line with recommendations by the MBS Review Taskforce in 2020, the Department of Health and Aged Care (the department) commenced a review of all MBS... More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • Feedback on implementing MPS Direct Care Targets

    The purpose of this survey is to provide MPS trial sites with the opportunity to provide their views, feedback and input in regard to direct care targets to inform subsequent discussions. At this stage, the survey is designed to get your high level views. There is no expectation that you will undertake research, collect data or go out of your way to provide policies in order to complete this survey. If policies, data or research is readily available then we would welcome it being provided. ... More
    Opened 18 July 2024
  • Prescribed List Reforms - Consultation Paper 9 - CIEDs and the cost of technical support services

    On 19 April 2024, stakeholders were provided with an update on the Technical support services component of the CIED PL benefit . This included the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) advice and associated public summary document. We are inviting stakeholders to provide views, suggestions, and ideas on how to implement the MSAC advice about the cost of technical support services (TSS) for cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs). We ask that you raise any matters of... More
    Opened 12 July 2024
  • Feedback Survey on - Addressing Critical Psychology Shortages - Postgraduate Psychology Incentive Grant Program

    The Addressing Critical Psychology Shortages - Postgraduate Psychology Incentive Program aims to support higher education providers who have created additional postgraduate psychology places in courses which lead to general registration and can lead to relevant areas of practice endorsement. More
    Opened 1 July 2024
  • Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Advisory Committee: Open Consultation - Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician access to Group A4 MBS items

    This review seeks input from consumers, medical practitioners, and allied health professionals on the following questions: A. Would a reclassification of Sports and Exercise Medicine Physicians (SEMPs) as consultant physicians with access to Group A4 MBS items: (i) benefit patients and if so, how? (ii) present any risks or unintended consequences? B. W ould it be appropriate... More
    Opened 24 June 2024
  • Victorian RAS Workforce Survey

    The Department of Health and Aged Care (Department) has developed this survey to allow Regional Assessment Service (RAS) assessors to identify whether they would like to continue working as RAS assessors if their current employing organisation exits the market. Participation in this survey is voluntary, and completion of the survey does not guarantee any ongoing work or employment. There are no consequences for you if you choose not to participate in this survey. More
    Opened 18 June 2024
  • Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Advisory Committee Draft Report for Open Consultation: Post-implementation review of changes to electrocardiogram (ECG) MBS items

    The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is a list of health professional services (items) that the Australian Government subsidises. MBS items provide patient benefits for a wide range of health services including consultations, diagnostic tests, therapy, and operations. When changes are made to MBS items, a review is undertaken approximately 24 months after to analyse and examine the performance of the changes. This is called a post-implementation review. Post-implementation reviews... More
    Opened 13 June 2024
  • Online Survey - Development of national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists

    The Department of Health and Aged Care is developing national standards for counsellors and psychotherapists. The national standards intend to describe the experience, capabilities and behaviours expected of the counselling and psychotherapy professions. This includes education, supervision, CPD and oversight requirements. The Department wants to hear from you on your experience as a counsellor, psychotherapist, consumer or representative. You can provide feedback via: ... More
    Opened 10 June 2024
  • Consultation on private health insurance chronic disease management programs

    The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is proposing to expand the list of health professionals for which insurer benefits under Chronic Disease Management Programs (CDMPs) will be eligible for risk equalisation across health insurers. Specifically, it is proposed that practice nurses, nurse practitioners, and mental health nurses are added to the list of health professionals eligible for private health insurance-funded CDMP benefits. The department is also seeking more... More
    Opened 7 June 2024
  • Consultation on the Clinical Categories Review Advisory Committee Report

    The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (department) is currently seeking feedback on the Clinical Categories Review Advisory Committee Report (Report). The Report sets out the evaluation outcomes by the Clinical Categories Review Advisory Committee (committee). Comprised of independent members with different expertise areas, the committee examined the Government reform of the private health insurance products, specifically the introduction of the clinical... More
    Opened 31 May 2024
  • Establishment of a National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program for in-home aged care services

    The Department of Health and Aged Care (Department) is undertaking an open public consultation on the establishment of a National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program (QI Program) for in-home aged care services. The QI Program aims to help people find information about the quality of aged care services, assist providers in measuring and improving the quality of their services, and support Government to make evidence-based policy. The Department is... More
    Opened 28 May 2024
  • Consultation Draft: Outline of the National Allied Health Workforce Strategy

    Australians need better access to allied health care to prevent and manage chronic conditions, and support people with disability, older people, people with mental health issues and children and families. The Australian Government is working with state and territory governments to develop a National Allied Health Workforce Strategy, as recommended in the Independent review of Australia’s regulatory settings relating to overseas health practitioners Final Report . ... More
    Opened 28 May 2024
  • Prescribed List Reforms - Consultation Paper 8a - Gifts, benefits and discounts reporting requirements

    In July-August 2023, the department consulted on several proposed measures related to compliance, assurance, and information sharing as part of the reforms to the Prescribed List. Among the measures, was the requirement for hospitals to report any non-financial gifts or benefits received, such as a device or product listed on the Prescribed List (PL). Stakeholders raised concerns and questions around the proposed measure. As a result, we are undertaking additional consultation... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Prescribed List Reforms - Consultation Paper 8b - Alignment of amount charged for supply of a device with corresponding PL benefit

    In July-August 2023, the department consulted on several proposed measures related to compliance, assurance, and information sharing as part of the reforms to the Prescribed List ( Consultation Paper 7 ). Among the measures, was the proposal to align the amount charged for the supply of a medical device or human tissue product with the corresponding PL benefit. Stakeholders raised concerns and questions around the proposed measure. As a result, we are undertaking additional consultation... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Public Consultation of the Discussion Paper Towards the National Immunisation Strategy 2025-30

    The Department of Health and Aged Care is undertaking an open public consultation on a new National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030 (the Strategy). The public consultation is based on the document - Towards a National Immunisation Strategy 2025-2030 – which proposes a vision, mission, priority areas, and opportunities for action for the next Strategy. Through an online survey, we are interested in your views and responses to the ideas put forward in the... More
    Opened 22 May 2024
  • Review of the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989

    The Department of Health and Aged Care (the department) has engaged Professor John McMillan AO and Clayton Utz to conduct a review of the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 (the Act). The aim of the review is to ensure the legislation is fit for purpose, meets contemporary standards and positions the Australian Sports Commission (the Commission) to deliver its objectives and meet current and future needs within the Australian sport... More
    Opened 17 May 2024
  • Train-the-Trainer Sessions - Feedback

    Share your views with us on the IAT Train-the-Trainer Session. More
    Opened 10 May 2024
334 results. Page 1 of 12