Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program: Wave 3 Category Definitions and Targets

Closes 3 Jan 2025

Flavoured tofu and tempeh

Flavoured tofu and tempeh

Definition: Tofu and tempeh with added flavour, marinade or salted.   

TARGET: A reduction in sodium across defined products to 450mg/100g by June 2028.


Tofu, tempeh, and bean curd which has been flavoured or marinated.


Unflavoured/plain tofu, tempeh, and bean curd. Plant-based meat alternatives that fit under another category. Animal-based products (e.g. cheese, seafood, meat and poultry).

27. Is the definition appropriate? E.g. are there any other products that could be included or excluded from this definition?
28. Are you aware of any technical constraints with meeting the reformulation target, in this time frame, for this food category?
29. Do you have any other concerns or challenges associated with this reformulation target?
30. Currently there are limited favours of marinated tofu (most use Asian sauces and sweet chilli). Are you aware of other flavours in development or likely to enter the market for which the proposed target may not be appropriate?