Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program: Wave 3 Category Definitions and Targets
Published responses
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The Healthy Food Partnership (Partnership) is a voluntary collaboration between the food industry, the public health sector and government. Its goal is to enhance population health by improving the food environment and influencing Australians' ability to make healthier food choices.
A key initiative of the Partnership is the Partnership Reformulation Program (PRP) which aims to reduce Australians' consumption of sodium, saturated fat and sugar from processed foods.
To achieve this aim, voluntary reformulation targets for sodium, sugar and saturated fat for specific food categories have been established. The PRP is being implemented in “waves”. “Wave 1” consists of targets for sodium (across 28 food categories) and saturated fat (across 5 food categories). “Wave 2” consists of targets for sodium (across 5 food categories) and sugar (across 9 food categories) and commenced in 2021.
The Partnership Executive Committee agreed to the development of Wave 3 reformulation targets for an additional three food categories - plant-based proteins, plant-based sweetened yoghurts, and complete salads.
Plant-based proteins and yoghurts were identified to complement the existing targets for animal-based products. Complete salads were originally included in the Ready Meal category (Wave 2). However, feedback from a previous consultation recommended a separate target for these products, due to differences in weight and ingredients (salads are typically significantly lighter).
In July 2023, a targeted consultation was conducted with 7 industry and public health representatives, with experience in food reformulation, to seek feedback on draft definitions for the Wave 3 food categories. Following this, the categories were further refined.
Category definitions and targets have been developed for 4 food categories, which will form Wave 3 of the Partnership Reformulation Program. These categories/sub categories are:
- Plant based meat alternatives
- Plant-based meat alternatives - Crumbed and battered
- Plant-based meat alternatives – Mince and burgers
- Plant-based meat alternatives – Butcher-styled cuts and sausages
- Plant-based meat alternatives - Processed deli-style meat alternatives
- Plant-based meat alternatives – Meat-free bacon
- Flavoured tofu
- Plant-based yoghurts
- Packaged salads
- Packaged salads – Vegetable-dominant
- Packaged salads – Starch-dominant
- Packaged salads - Seafood salads
Why your views matter
Stakeholder submissions to this consultation will be used by the Healthy Food Partnership Secretariat and Healthy Food Partnership Executive Committee to determine appropriate definitions and reformulation targets for Wave 3 of the Partnership Reformulation Program.
Your views are being sought on whether:
- definitions including inclusion and exclusion crieteria for each category are approrpiate; and
- reformulation targets for each category are feasible.
Responding to the consultation:
- Download and read the Consultation Paper "Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program: Wave 3 Category Definitions and Targets" (available under the 'Related' section at the bottom of this page).
- Respond to the questions in the online survey - the questions in the survey match the questions in the Consultation Paper. A preview of the survey is available for download under the ‘Related’ section at the bottom of this page.
- Please provide evidence or examples to support your comments where possible. Comments on technical issues should be based on scientific evidence and/or supported by research where appropriate. Where possible, please provide citations to published studies or other sources.
- It is not necessary to provide a response to all questions.
- All submissions are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 in Australia. If you consider that all or part of your submission should not be released, please make this clear when making your submission and indicate the grounds for withholding the information.
What happens next
The online survey for Healthy Food Partnership Reformulation Program: Wave 3 Category Definitions and Targets has now closed. Responses will be used to finalise the Wave 3 Definitions and Targets.
- Families
- Parents
- Young people
- Academics
- Businesses
- Chronic disease
- Food standards
- Preventative health
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