Stocktake on Residential Aged Care Accommodation Design

Closed 3 Oct 2023

Opened 21 Aug 2023


The Department of Health and Aged Care is seeking information from aged care providers on the design of residential aged care accommodation.

The Stocktake on the Design of Residential Aged Care Accommodation (‘stocktake’) will help the department to understand what residential aged care accommodation looks like from a design perspective. This information will be used to develop a picture of aged care homes, including where services are provided flexibly, in terms of their age, size, layout and physical attributes and characteristics.

This will help us to understand the impact of the National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines and the level of change and support that may be needed, ahead of their introduction on 1 July 2024. The information gathered will also inform the work of the Aged Care Taskforce.

About this stocktake

  • Most questions are multiple choice or ask you to rate items on a scale.
  • The stocktake includes some general questions, which will pre-populate when you enter your organisation’s National Approved Provider System (NAPS) ID. Please note, you will need your organisation’s service-level NAPS ID, not the provider-level ID.
  • There is an opportunity to correct pre-populated information, should there be any inaccuracies.

The stocktake is made up of 5 sections and questions can be completed in any order:

  • Section 1: General
  • Section 2: Bedrooms
  • Section 3: Entry and resident shared spaces
  • Section 4: Back of house and clinical supports
  • Section 5: Outdoors

It is estimated the survey will take a minimum of 30 minutes to complete.

Save and come back

You can return later to complete your input so long as you use the same device and web browser.

Who should complete the stocktake?

The stocktake is aimed at:

  • providers of residential aged care; and
  • providers of aged care services funded through the Multi-Purpose Services Program and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.

You may like to complete the stocktake on a portable device (e.g. phone, tablet/iPad or laptop) as this will allow you to move about the aged care home while you answer questions.

Only one person can complete the stocktake, but we encourage you to collaborate with other staff within the aged care home, as needed.

Why your views matter

Your input will help the department to understand the impact of the National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines and the level of change and support that may be needed, ahead of their introduction on 1 July.

Participation is voluntary. The information provided will be used to inform our understanding of current aged care homes and will not be used by either the department or the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to make assessments of individual services. This stocktake is an information gathering exercise and is not an assessment.


  • Aged care service providers


  • Residential Aged Care